Burned hand

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-YOU LITTLE S**T GIVE ME BACK MY SCHOOL UNIFORM!! I screamed at my irritating younger brother of mine
-NOPE! Caden screamed back
-Fine! You're no fun! Caden replied back to my mom
-MOM LANGUAGE! I said back to tease her

My mom let out a sigh as she walked further into the house after her trip to the supermarket. I quickly made my way to her to help her with the bags, I took three out of the four that she had in her hands. I made my way into the kitchen and I start to unpack.
-Thanks darling.
-Don't worry about it. I replied quickly as she is the one to feed my family.
My mom made her way into the kitchen and start to help me and unpack to I only needed to take a quick glance at her to see the bags under her eyes.
-You should go rest I'll fix the rest mom.
-No No I'll help! She replies to me
-Go to bed! I say as I raise my voice
-Okay,okay but tell me if you need help, she said as she made her way up the stairs I could see that she was thankful for my actions.
-Don't Forget to wake up at 7 am tomorrow to go to your new school, okay?
-Don't worry about me! I replied quickly

I fixed the rest in the kitchen and then went to the couch to where my brother had dropped my school uniform. I made my way up the stairs to my bedroom and I put my school uniform in the closet, and then I once again made my way downstairs again as I heard noise downstairs.
My older brother Daichi was probably here with some of his friends. My assumptions where correct.
-Sawa-san how are you? I said as I was already down the stairs and I made my way to the kitchen.
-I'm fine thanks, you? He said as he looked at me
-I'm okay, how many? I asked him
-Huh? He was looking at me confused
-How many idiots do I need to cook for? I replied as I rolled my eyes
-There is no need to cook for u- he couldn't finish his words before someone else said 8 extra people! I knew exactly who's voice it was.
-8?! Tanaka please don't tell me you found 4 new stranger that I have to feed.
-There is no need to cook for u- Before my brother could finish his sentence I threw some flour in his face.

-WHAT WAS THAT FO- I once again threw flour in his face again. Tanaka, Nishinoya, Suga and Asahi laughing at our little fight. But I could also hear some other people laughing. And I now look up to find 4 faces of people that I had never seen.

-And may I ask who are you? I asked as I looked at the strangers inside my house.
-I'm Hinata! A boy with orange hair said as he smiled a big smile as he pointed at himself.
-Nice to meet you human orange! I said and gave him a warm smile
-Y/N! Daichi scolded me as the rest of the group laughed.
-I'm very sorry Hinata! He said as he gave me a glare
-Daichi-san don't worry about it! Hinata said as he looked at our sibling rivalry.
-Well okay then, what your name? I asked a cute boy with innocent eyes and green hair
-Y-Yamaguchi, the boy stutters as a pink tint comes up to his checks
-Shy one aren't ya. I say to myself as I made my way over to the drawer where we keep our pots and frying pans.

-Well what food do you guys want?
-RAMEN! Tanaka and Nishinoya screamed out as they basically jumped up on their seats.
-That's fine with you guys I said as I looked around as everyone nodded as a response.
-Ramen it is then. I said as I saw Tanaka and Nishinoya doing their happy dance in the corners of my eyes.

I took up the ingredients that I would need to use to make the ramen, well what's the name of the rest of the strangers that walked into my house that is about to eat my food.
-I'm Kageyama. I tall boy with black hair said, I was well aware of it being one person left that haven't introduced them self.
-What's your name as I looked up to look at the last person. WHAT THE ACTUL F**K I THOUGHT GIANT DIDNT EXSIST!?
-S-Sorry about him! Yamaguchi said, his name is T-
-Yamaguchi I would like if he introduced himself. I said in a kind voice, as I started to wait for the water to cook, so that I could put in the noodles in the water.when I said that the extremely tall boy looked at me surprised but then quickly changed his surprised into a cold one.
-....Kei Tsukishima
-Well nice to meet you Tsukishima! I said as I give him a smile. I put my on the thing that I thought was the counter next to the stove, but then
-F**K! I scream out as I felt a burning pain on my hand, I accidentally put my hand on the warm stove.
My brother looked over at me with fear in his eyes as he heard me scream and quickly realised what happened but before he could react Suga-Senpai had already put my hand under the cold tap water.
-A-are you okay? Suga asked with worry both in his voice and eyes.
-I-It's fine. I try to convince him but it's no use beca he could see the tears that where about to drop, the burn was bad, real bad.
-Daichi-san go get the aloe Vera cream and some bandages please.
-Right away! My older brother quickly went into the bathroom to get the first aid kit.
-Y/n-chan are you okay? Both Tanaka and Nishinoya asked
-It hurts but I'm fine. I replied
-Nonsense! Sugawara said, Your not fine you just burnt your hand!
-Suga, it hurts. I whisper to him, I was not the one to act weak.
-Don't worry everything will be fine. He said reassuringly

Third person POV:

Daichi can back with the aloe Vera cream and some bandages, Suga directly started to take aloe Vera cream on my burnt hand and then he took the bandages around the hand.
-Asahi can you please get an ice pack from the freezer?
-S-Sure! Asahi said as he made his way over to the freezer to take out the ice pack.
He started searching the freezer for the ice but he couldn't find it but then he felt a hand on his shoulder. Asahi looked up only to see Tsukishima standing over him, Tsukishima indicated Asahi to move and Asahi did as he was 'told'. Asahi looked weirdly at Tsukishima and then he noticed that Tsukki moved some ice cream packages out of the way. Behind the ice cream packages where the ice pack, Tsukishima took it out and handed it to Sugawara.

-Thanks. Sugawara quickly said as he then placed the ice package over the bandages and indicated for Y/n to hold the ice pack in place.
-There it is done now, let me and Daichi-san take care of the food, okay?
Y/n only nodded in response
-Y/n-san go up to your room and rest. Daichi said, we will call tou when the food is done,okay?
This time Y/n hummed in response as she made her way to the stairs and went up them.


Sorry for not updating for a long time I have had a real writers block, I have even tried to write new stories but that haven't worked even, toxic relationship probably wont continue because I absolutely hate the story.

But I hope you will enjoy this story tho, this chapter was mostly to tell you about Y/n's family and that she's quite clumsy.

Sorry if it's bad, I have tried my best ㅜㅡㅜ

Word count: 1390 words

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