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Y/n POV:

I woke up and felt Tsukishimas head on mine. I carefully made my way out of his grip. I went towards the window and saw that the rain had stopped. I went and put on my shoes and walked out to feel the fresh air, I opened the door and let the cold touch my bare legs. I shivered to the cold, it was still dark outside my phone was in my pocket and I took it out to look at the time, 04:03.
I went into the cottage again and I took a ran some hoodie and put it on over my t-shirt.
-Welp I am going to take a walk. I said to myself as I shrugged my shoulders.
I began walking away from the cottage as I was in need of some air, I just continued to walk not knowing where I was going or when I was going to stop. The cold air was still stinging my legs but not in a uncomfortable feeling more like a relaxing.
I was just walking, thinking...about everything.
What are my feelings for Tsukki, do I like him or do I just see him as a friend. I don't know!How long do we have to be in this cottage until we are able to leave. I mean I could just go now but the rain probably just stopped for a little bit and would start again soon.
I looked at the time once again 04:46, god damn I have been out here for a long time, I didn't really mind it was nice just being out here, just thinking by myself.
I realised I had come to an beautiful lake on my walk. The violet lilacs around the lake where in a thin coat of water and they where shimmering in the moon light. I took out my phone and I took a picture of the beautiful scenery, I began to spin around just enjoying myself.. having a great time. I put on a song as I begin to dance, the song was one of my favourites, Love like you (Steven Universe end credits) I took of my shoes and socks and began to dance in the cold grass. I could feel how the rain drops begin to stick to my feet as the song began to end another one started, slow dancing in the dark. The raindrops started to fall from the sky once again, but this time not heavily just small calming drops as I continued to dance. I just continued to dance song after song until, *pling* a notification?
I went over to my phone and checked, only to see that it was from french fry.
-Where are you?
-What why?
-I wanted some fresh air...
I checked the time 5:31 god damn it's late. I was about to send another message but my phone screen turned black.
-Sh*t! I looked around me and realised something my eyes widened
-Where am I? I had completely forgot which way I had come from, and just like it was planed it started to rain...heavily

Tsukishima POV:
I began to send Y/n messages, why would she go out at this time, without telling anyone??
She answered me twice then she didn't even read my messages. What happened, why isn't she replying or at least reading the messages?
I began to panic, what if she's lost, what if she got hurt, what if she got attacked, what is she lost her phone and is in need of help.

As all these thought ran through my mind I had gotten up from my place on the couch and gone over to the door to put on my hoodie, only to realise that it was...missing? I took another jacket that was on the door, and went outside. It was cold outside I just looked around to see which way she could have taken. I looked down to the ground and realised, footprints? Yup definitely footprints, I put my foot next to one of the mark's in the ground. Definitely her's. I began to pick up my pace as the rain slowly began to get heavier and heavier.
Why would she go out so late in the night, why right now, why doesn't she reply to my messages? I try calling her, only coming right to the voicemail. Ugh! Why won't she answer.

Y/n POV:

I began to walk in a random direction and then taking a left turn and after some minutes of walking I realise that.... I'm at the lake, again? I continue to walk around taking left and right turn on the paths and every single one of them leading back to, the lake.
-What the actual f**k is happening? I just stare at the lake only to realise, it was way larger than I thought, the sound of something breaking caught my ears. I begin to panic , I look around my eyes widened when I saw a white wolf standing right in front of me, then a sound behind me as well. A black wolf. The panic rise in me, I'm dead if they attack me. The white wolf begins to walk closer to me. I just stand there frozen. Tears begin to come out of my eyes, shit I'm dying here today aren't I? The black wolf growls and the white wolf looks towards it, then they just walk of, without hurting me. As I begin to calm down I noticed a bridge a little away from where I was standing. I quickly make my way there, I walk over the bridge and I'm standing on an island (the island is quite big) of beautiful red roses and lanterns in the middle of the lake. The lake was gigantic and it looked the same almost everywhere, that's why I had gotten so confused.
-You have to be kidding,..right?
I look around more for any sign of a cottage near by and, There, right there! I see something! The smoke from a chimney, but really far away. I looked up at the moon and could tell that it's was after 6 am. Another sound disrupts me I look towards to where the sound came from only to see a fox family really close to me. I sit down quietly, then they realise I was there. Me and the mother fox just stares at each other for some time until she and her fox babies walk away from me. A bird comes flying down and lands in-front of me. It just stays with me until another almost identical bird flys down to me as well. In the end I'm surrounded by birds. And then I saw a deer and a deer baby near by as well, four very pretty bunnies came and sat close by as well two of them being a beautiful colour of silver-grey, another one hazelnut brown and the last one black, it's fur was really shining in the moon light.

Tsukishima POV:
The rain took another break
I follow her foot steps only to come to a beautiful scenery violet lilacs shining in the moon light and more small foot marks in the ground, line someone was...Dancing? I look around and find that the foot prints leave to another direction. I continue to follow the foot prints, and soon I see some other prints in the ground they look to be..wolf footprints, shut what if they attacked her?!
-Y/n! Where are you? I try to get a response I quickly follow the rest of Y/n footprints I begin to run. I come to a bridge and I see her sitting in the middle of the island. I was about to call out her name when I realise she's surrounded by birds and other animals, her y/h/l (your hair length) y/h (your hair colour) coloured hair shining in the moon light...she looked....stunning, I just stood there watching her, she looked so calm and happy.
-Y/n.. I whisper
She slowly turns her head not to scare any of the animals
-Tsukki! She said happily accidentally scraping away the deer and the bunnies and almost all the birds, whoops..?
I chuckled lightly, she stood up scaring away the last birds. And then she did something unexpected she ran up to me and hugged me.
I hesitate a little until I hug back as well.
-Should we go to the cottage before the rain starts again or the rest wake up and think we got kidnapped? She laughed at my statement
-Sure let's go! She said happily.

On the way back to the cottage she explained everything that happened on her little adventure from the door of the cottage to the island of violet lilacs.
-Then I meet two wolfs! They where so pretty!
-You thought that they where pretty and not dangerous?
-Well first I was actually thinking I was going to become wolf food, but all the animals here are very calm! And the scenery is amazing here! She continued to speak I looked down at her only to see her beautiful eyes shining in the sunrise being so excited to explain what happened.
When we where 1/3 away from the cottage it began to rain again, heavily.
-Come on let's hurry! I say to Y/n
It ends with me covering both me and Y/n with the jacket I had on me.
-I hope you like my jacket! Y/n looked up at me confused
-But that's my brother's? As she said that I pointed down to what she was wearing and understood
-Yeah, it's great!
Once we saw the cottage we began to run we quickly opened the door and then closed it, both of us being drenched. No one had woken up yet, I looked up on the wall only to see that the time was 06:36.

Y/n POV:
I took of the jacket which actually was Tsukki's and then the rest of the outside clothes. I then proceed to plop down on the couch just like Tsukishima. I fall asleep almost immediately.

Tsukki POV:

Around 5 minutes after both me and Y/n plopped down on the couch, she fell asleep. In her sleep she moved closer to me and put her head in my lap, which I did not mind. After some other minutes I also fall asleep.

Third person POV:

Both Y/n and Tsukishima fall asleep pretty quickly after their little adventure. Both of them will sleep calmly in each other's presence until late morning.


Hi! I made this chapter during 2.5 hours making it a very quickly written chapter, but yeah. hope you still like it!

I wanted to update as quickly as possible so here we go! Well I hope you have a good night/day and stay safe! Bye!!

'None of the pictures are mine!'

Word count: 1842 words

French fry!  ( Tsukishima ff ) reader x Tsukishima Where stories live. Discover now