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I was walking with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi to our class, which we actually have together making me have to see this french fry everyday. When we came into the class room our Teacher called for me to come from the front to introduce myself.
-We got a new student class, so would you please introduce yourself? She looked at me
-Of course, hi my name is Y/n I hope we all can be friends. I said as I showed the class a smile
-Okay then Y/n, you can sit next to Nazuna, Nazuna please raise your hand. The teacher spoke as a girl which I assumed was Nazuna raised her hand.

Nazuna POV

There was a rumour about a new girl in our school I really hoped she was nice and not like the b***h Sakura and her minions.
I came into the class early as always and sat down to draw a little bit in my note book. I was not a nerd at all I just liked to come to class early. 10 minutes had pasted and I had filled a whole page of small drawings class was just about to start as Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and who the f was that. Then it came back in my mind, ohh yeah probably the new girl. She introduced herself and she seemed okay, the teacher wanted her to sit next to me so I had to raise my hand for her to know where to sit.
As she came to sit down she said in a whisper
-I'm sorry if I'm invading your personal space. She said it in a friendly manner as she showed me her smile. I could already tell that she was nice.
-Ohh don't worry about it, it was quite lonely sitting on my own anyways. I said as I showed her my smile to reassure her.
-Well now you won't feel so lonely anymore I guess. She said as she let out a little giggle.
-Sure won't. I said back to her, we then turned back to the teacher and her annoying whiteboard whit weird equations written all over it.
-what the actual f**k. I could hear someone say as a sigh left their mouth. I looked towards the person who said it and saw Y/n looking at the whiteboard like it was in french or something.
-Don't get it or are you bad at math?
-I'm not bad at math but it seems like I didn't get an explanation to what type of math we are working on.
-Ohh well it's about *random math thing*
-That explains... a lot actually. She said as she hit her head lightly with her hand.

*Fast forward end of class*

As class finished I turned to Y/n to talk to her.
-Naya ( Nazunas family name, I don't know how these things work )
-Please call me Nazuna, Nayas boring.
-Well okay then, Nazuna what are you doing after school?
-Nothing, why?
-Do you like Ice-cream, Naz?
-first of all, of course I like ice-cream who dosent and second of all, Naz?
-O-Oh sorry I won't call you that unless you allow me to! She said as she bowed apologetically.
-No no don't worry, it just....caught me off guard.
-Oh okay well then, Naz wanna go to the park and get some ice cream?
-Sure! why not! This girl was so nice and sweet, she was also good looking it was weird that none of the other boys had asked for her phone number yet....
-Hey new girl can I get your phone number?
I take back everything I said of no one asking for her phone number as the number one jerk
Haru asked her that question.
-Haru let her b-
-Sorry I don't give out my number to douche bags. She said as she fake smiled towards him, the whole class had basically heard what she said and everyone tried to not laugh at her remark towards Haru.
-You bitc-
-OKAYYY, Haru let stop there! Kaito said as he put a hand on Harus mouth and basically dragged him away from us. Kaito is a friend to Haru, Kaito was definitely not a douche bag like Haru.
-Thanks non-Douche bag! Y/n said to Kaito
-No problem! Kaito said as he did his normal friendly wink

3rd person POV

While all of this happened Tsukishima was watching from his normal seating, he was actually surprised that you called Haru a douche bag. And especially right in front of him, although he thought that it was funny.

*Fast forward after the short break and after the second class*


-UGH! I let out a loud sigh and dropped my head on my desk. God I hate history! I said to Nazuna
-Ohh thank good god, I'm not the only one. Nazuna replied we both chuckled lightly as we once again began small talk.
It was lunch time which meant that you had a 45 minute break.
-Wanna go to the rooftop? Nazuna asked me
-Sure, should we bring Yamaguchi and Tsukishima to? I asked her
-Why not. She replied causally as she stood up from her seat. Both of us made our way towards Yamaguchi and Tsukishimas bench to ask if they wanted to follow us.
-So salty boy and Yamaguchi , wanna follow us up to the rooftop? Nazuna asked Tsukishima and Yamaguchi
-You call him salty boy? I asked Nazuna
-Yeah i sure do, me and salty boy have known each other since elementary school.
-And it's been a pain in the a*s to know this girl. Tsukishima chimes in
-Tsukki don't be so mean! Yamaguchi said
-Looks like all of us have given Tsukishima a nickname. I said in my casual tone
-Wait, you have given him a nickname? Nazuna asked as confusion rushed over her face
-Sure have, isn't that correct french fry! I said as I took one of my arms around his shoulder.
-french fry?
-Yup! I said proudly
-THATS GENIUS! Nazuna said as I saw her getting excited, while Tsukishima pinches his nose bridge.
-Do I have to deal with more idiots now? Tsukishima asked
-YUP! Me and Nazuna said in unison Yamaguchi laugh at our remark.
-Well shall we get going? Yamaguchi said as he put his backpack on his back and stood up from his seat.
-Sure! Me and Nazuna once again said in unison
-Fine... Tsukishima said as we all made our way out of the classroom and up to the rooftop.

When we where on the schools rooftop we all sat down and took out our lunch boxes. I had onigiri in mine, it was my favourite. Both Tsuhishima and Yamaguchi had bento in theirs but to my surprise.
-Nazuna you like onigiri too?!
-Of course I do, who doesn't?!
-You and me where destined to be friends! I scream out happily as I give Nazuna a bug hug. Yamaguchi chuckles while Tsukishima just gives us the ''really?'' look.
-Don't look at us like that french fry, it's not our fault that you and Yamaguchi doesn't have the balls to hug. I could hear Nazuna try to not laugh while Tsukishima let out a huff sound. Yamaguchi just looked at the situation that was going on and wondered why he had to be dragged into this. Lunch was over and we made our way back to our classroom when.

Tsukishima POV

-Hey there hot stuff, can I get your number?  Haruto asked (aka another douche bag if the school) I don't know why but my blood started boiling at that remark. I looked over to Nazuna and Y/n only to see that both of them had a disgusted look on their faces. I looked back to Haruto and was about to tell him to F off when I saw Daichi and Tanaka. Both Tanaka and Daichi looked like he was about to murder Haruto.
-Oi! Why don't you f**k off ? Tanaka said in a mad voice as Haruto looked behind him to see one terrifying Daichi and another terrifying Tanaka behind him.
-E-e-Eh. Haruto tried to form words but it didn't work.
-Get out off here. Daichi said in a stern voice
-Y-Yes. And with that Haruto went away, Tanaka basically launched himself towards Y/n. Y/n had quick reflexes tho so she moved out of the way making Tanaka fall to the floor.
-Well now we should probably get back to class and also thanks Tanaka and Daichi. Y/n said as she looked at us.
-Sure lets get going then! Nazuna said


I'm sorry that this took me so long to post this chapter another sickness of writing block was about to hit me once again but I managed to get through it.

Once again I'm very sorry and I hope you have an amazing day/night! ( ^ω^ )

Word count: 1498 words

French fry!  ( Tsukishima ff ) reader x Tsukishima Where stories live. Discover now