The walk

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French fr- I mean Tsukishima POV

It was 07:50 and I was walking toward Daichis house to get his super short little sister and walk her to school. She was the same age as me as far as I know but she looked to be 3 years younger because of her height. It was actually quite cute how short she was. (think that you are around 150cm or 5'0.) Although it was quite easy to get her mad, making her look like an angry Pomeranian (mha reference, if you know you know)

The time was now 08:00 as I made my way into there garden I looked to the left and noticed some cute rocks with drawings on them.

*aww they look really cute I said as I picked up the rock with the lemon and lime on it* I then put it down and went towards the door and

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*aww they look really cute I said as I picked up the rock with the lemon and lime on it* I then put it down and went towards the door and....


*pling* the doorbell once again rings this morning I hurriedly made my way there and open it.
-Ohh you are already here French fry? I ask
-tch.. yeah i am let's go. He said in his normal cold tone
-Sure! I said as I gave him a warm smile as I pick up my backpack and try to put it on my back with I somehow fail at. I heard a chuckle from someone and then.
-Are you stupid or what? Tsukishima asked as he chuckled a little bit, as he helped me put it on
-H-Hey! I'm not stupid! I stuttered out of embarrassment
-Yeah, yeah what ever you say. He said now in his normal cold tone.
We made our way out the door and as I tried locking it my key feel down.* what the frick is wrong with me?!* I think to myself as I go down to get the key only to see that it was wasn't there anymore.
-You are going to get us late. Tsukishima said as he locked the locked the door
-T-Thanks. I said quietly he didn't reply as he handed me the key.
-Lets go. He said in his cold tone
-Okay. I said as we started walking I was well aware that it was a 20 minute walk to school so we would still come there early. I had passed 5 minutes of total awkward silence until I spoke.
-Sooo do you got any siblings? I asked Tsukishima
-I have a brother, you? Tsukishima asked me now
-Well of course Sawamura and then Caden my little bother.
-You have a little brother? He looked at me
-Yup I have one irritating little brother. I said to him as I showed him a picture of my 'sweet' little brother
-He doesn't look like either you or your brother, and either way Caden doesn't sound very Japanese.
-Well Caden doesn't have the same dad as me and Sawamura, and also Cadens dad was American that's why he has an 'American' name.
-Ahh okay, and what happened to your knee? He looked at me confused
-O-Oh you noticed? Well I tripped over Cadens clothes and then onto his idiotic toy car. I said as I looked down on my knee. I could here him sign
-You really are clumsy aren't you. He said to me.
-You don't have to remind me. I said as I giggled

Tsukishima POV

We were talking while we where walking to school, I quite quickly noticed she didn't pay attention to anything else except to the person she was talking to, which was nice but it could lead her to some dangerous accidents. We were walking over a road when.
-SHIT! I saw a car driving super fast and it was coming towards us I quickly take Y/n's arm and run over the road while dragging her. If I had reacted 3 seconds later, we would have been hit. I look over at Y/n to see if she was hurt.
-Y/n are you okay? I ask as I start to search on her body for any wounds. I could see her shaking from the incident, she looked at me and smiled the best she could as she said.
-I'm fine...thank you. She said as she hugged me, you could now really see the height difference between us it looked like I was about 40 cm taller than her, which was kinda true.

She pulled away and looked at her watch,
-Shit it's 8:20 already?! She said and looked up at me
-Wait how? I asked her as I myself looked at my watch hoping that her watch were broken but it wasn't.
-Guess we will have to run. I said as I let out a sign
-Nooooooo, I hate running! She said as she crossed her arms
-Well to bad. I said as I took her arm and started dragging her towards school.
-Oww! When she said that I quickly let go of her afraid that I was the one to hurt her, I looked at her seeing how she took her hand to her knee.
-Damit! Caden you really f**ked it up for me this time didn't you. She said as she sighed.
-What happened? I asked her
-My knee starts to hurt again. She said with a pout, I let out a frustrated sign as I turn around and bend down.
-E-EH? She looks at me weirdly
-Just get in my back or else we'll be late. I said in my normal cold tone
-O-Okay then. She said as she jumped up on my back I quickly take my arms around her legs so she won't fall. I guess she was surprised because of my actions as she quickly took her arms around my neck. I smiled to myself as I let out a chuckle

Y/n POV:

Tsukishima wrapped his arms around my legs a little to fast for my senses making me scared and gripping on to the thing closest to me, my arms quickly made their way around Tsukishimas neck to grip on to each other. As I shut my eyes.
-You okay? Tsukishima asked I could hear a little chuckle come from him
-D-Dont l-laugh! I said out of embarrassment he didn't reply back to me and started speed walking to school with me still on his back. It was actually super fun riding someone's back, it made me feel like a little kid again.
The time was 08:25 when we got to school, Tsukishima put me down on the ground once again as...
-TSUKKI! As green haired boy said as he waved and smiled towards Tsukishima.
-Tsukki? I asked Tsukishima
-It is Yamaguchis nickname for me. He replied
-Ohhh that makes sense. I said as Yamaguchi made his way towards us.
-Tsukki good morning you are here surprisingly late, whys that?
-Well someone decided to hurt her knee so it took extra time. Tsukishima asked in his normal cold tone.
-Her? Yamaguchi asked as he looked really confused. Neither me nor Tsukishima had noticed that I was standing behind Tsukishima, Tsukishima stepped away reviling me.
-Hi Yamaguchi! I said as I lend him a friendly smile which he gladly returns.
-Hi Y/n! Yamaguchi says to me
-Well we have to go to class so we won't be late, what's your first class Y/n? Yamaguchi asks me
-It's math, yours?
-It's also math! Yamaguchi happily replies
-Just follow us or you will definitely get lost here. Tsukishima said in his normal cold manner
-Yeah,yeah what ever you say french fry. I said to him in a mocking manner
-You little- I told you to stop calling me that. He said getting a little bit irritated.
-Do I look like I give a f**k? Absolutely not! I say to him
-I'll kill y-
-Okay, okay calm down! Yamaguchi says as he comes in between us.
-Tch what ever! I say out loudly


Hi! Sorry for not being able to post sooner but I went shopping with my mom so I couldn't write on this story for 6 hours or something.

I finished this chapter at like 00:00 so sorry if there are any spelling mistakes i am kinda tired . So I'm probably going to sleep now
(−_−;), but you guys have a good morning/night! (^ν^)

Oh well here it is part 4 of the story, I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 1415 words

French fry!  ( Tsukishima ff ) reader x Tsukishima Where stories live. Discover now