chapter 2

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“Our last item, number thirty-seven, is a mystery.  Does anyone . . .?”

Wynona walked out onto the floor and took the mike from the auctioneer.  She grinned as she faced the crowd.

“Our last item is a real live girl pony that you can own and train for a full year.”

There were gasps and giggles as Brianna was led out, prancing and shaking her mane.  She whinnied as enthusiastically as she could, feeling her face burn with shame.

“The bidding starts at $500.”

Hands shot into the air.  The bidding went higher, higher.  Within five minutes, the ponygirl had sold for over $10,000.

The girls hugged their harnessed and bridled friend.  The bidding had exceeded all expectations.

As the crowd broke up, the winning bidders came to get their items.  The man who had made the winning bed, a grizzled rancher in his fifties approached the girls.

“That’s a mighty fine lookin’ filly,” he drawled.  “She broken in?”

“No, but she’s a quick learner.  Just sign the ownership papers and she’s yours,” laughed Bekky.

He scrawled his name, then took the lead.  “Let’s go, girl.”  He was a few inches shorter than her, but stocky and a bit overweight.

As the blonde was led reluctantly away, she glanced back at her friends.  Surely the joke had gone far enough by now.

But they just laughed and waved.  Brianna was taken out back to the parking lot, where her owner tied her lead around a fence rail.

“Wait here, girl.  I’ll be back with a trailer.”

The girl stood there out in the open, feeling more foolish by the minute.  If she could have, she would have freed herself and taken off.  But with her hands secured behind her and a thick bit in her mouth, that was impossible.

As people headed for their cars, they spotted her.  Brianna tried to put up a brave front as they pointed and joked.  She was actually relieved when she saw a car pull up with a trailer.

Just then, her three friends came rushing out.  “Oh, my God, Bree!  We are so so sorry!” said Wynona.

Bekky was nearly in tears.  “I fucked up, Bree.  I downloaded a contract off the internet, and I didn’t realize that it was legally binding.”

Brianna felt the world drop out from under her.

“You see, he owns you for the next year, and there’s nothing we can do about it.  We thought he would let you go, but he’s serious!  You’re his legal property.”

Tears clouded the ponygirl’s eyes as she screamed and threw her head around, trying to free herself from the fence rail.  No!  This couldn’t be!  She was going back to college in the fall, and she couldn’t do it if she was penned up like an animal!

The rancher stepped out of his car.  “All right.  That’s enough!  You girls leave or I’ll call the cops.  I won’t have you upsetting my new filly like that.”

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