chapter 4

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In the meantime, her friends had not forgotten her.  They went to lawyers, who looked over their contract and shook their heads in impotence.  The document was iron-clad.  They went to the media, who treated it as a joke.  It was just too kinky and ridiculous to be taken seriously.  They went to human rights advocates, who saw it as too personal and trivial compared to global abuses that needed attention.  For all they knew, this could be a fetish thing and she could be enjoying it, right?  They hired a private detective to track her down, but he said he needed evidence of a crime.  There was no crime, because she had participated willingly, hadn’t she?

As a last resort, they established a web page detailing their friend’s life and accomplishments, and asked for help in locating and saving her.  All it attracted were trolls and false leads.  They only thing they could hope for was that she was still in good shape when her contract ended and she was freed.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Brianna soon found herself settling into her routine.  It was oddly comforting and-—dare she say it?-—rewarding.  She enjoyed the attention, the security, the easily-attainable goals and the rewards of chocolate and other treats that came with mastering them.  And over time, it no longer bothered her when they bathed her, or trimmed her bush, or gave her the occasional douche.

Then one day, she was dressed in high-cut panties as well as her sports bra and loaded onto the horse trailer again and taken away.  As she stood in the trailer, trussed up and with her senses cut off, she wondered where they were taking her and why.  She wasn’t scared, as she knew they weren’t going to harm her, not after all those months of training and care.

Eventually, they stopped, and Brianna inhaled the rich smells of the country.  Well, that’s certainly encouraging, she thought.  She felt the trailer shift as someone entered, and then the gooey substance was picked out of her ears.

“—another side of equestrian life, one that few people know about.  We are now going to give you a demonstration of human pony training.  You’re all adults, so I think you can handle it, okay?”

The voice outside was female, and the ponygirl wondered who she was talking to.  A demonstration?  So this was what she was being prepared for.  She was surprised to find she wasn’t the least bit nervous.

Brianna was led out of the trailer by her reins.  There were a number of gasps as she pranced down the ramp, all of them female from the sounds of it.

She was instructed to do a half-turn, and she faced almost two dozen young women dressed in riding clothes.  Their astonished looks and whispered comments told her that this was something entirely new to them.

“Okay, girls, quiet down so we can begin the demonstration.”

The ponygirl was put through her paces, performing a variety of dressage routines before her open-mouthed audience, her nipple bells tinkling merrily.  There were a few giggles, which the instructor put a quick stop to.  She stumbled once, earning her an immediate swat on the ass with the riding crop, which startled many of the students.  After a half-hour, the demonstration was over.

“Okay,” said her owner, “question and answer time.  She will paw the ground once for No, twice for Yes.”

Nearly all the girls eagerly raised their hands.

“Do you enjoy being harnessed and trained like that?”  Yes.

“Do they treat you well?”  Yes.

“Are you allowed any freedom at all?”  No.

“So you enjoy being a ponygirl twenty-four-seven?”  Yes.

“Are there any ponyboys?”  Brianna hesitated.

Her owner stepped in.  “There are.  She just hasn’t met any.”

“What about sex?” asked one, which earned her a reprimand from the instructor.

“Perfectly legitimate question.  Sex is only allowed for breeding purposes or as a reward for champion ponyboys.”

The questions went on for several more minutes before Brianna was led back into the trailer and strapped in.

“Looks like all that talk about sex has got you all worked up.”

The tall blonde reddened.  Her panties were soaked.

When they got back, she was given a scoop of ice cream as a reward, something that she had been denied ever since she had been bought.  Masturbation, however, was forbidden, a topic which hadn’t come up at the riding camp, and Brianna was unable to relieve her sexual frustration.

The statuesque pony went on to make many more appearances at colleges, state fairs, and other places that attracted young athletic women, sometimes two or three a week.  It was pretty obvious now that she was being used as a recruiting tool to get more young women to become ponygirls.  She wasn’t happy about it, but at least the audiences got an idea of what they would be getting into.

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