chapter 5

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As word of the blonde ponygirl’s recruitment efforts got around, her friends didn’t want to believe it, but they soon had to face the fact that their old classmate was fully committed to her new lifestyle.  They gave up their efforts to have her freed, feeling betrayed.


As the months went on, the horses were sold off, and they were replaced with ponygirls.  Brianna found herself training these new recruits, some of whom she recognized as audience members at her numerous demonstrations.  They were the cream of the crop, girls who could’ve been supermodels or famous actresses, but who were now bound in restraints, penned up in small, bare stalls, and completely controlled by strange men every minute of the day.  It was then that the poster girl for equestrian submission saw what her life was like when mirrored in the anguished faces of her “students,” and she did not like it.

When they tried to take her to the next demonstration, she refused to get into the trailer.  Her rebellion did no good.  They took one of the promising new recruits, instead.  Brianna was demoted to mule, reduced to hauling wagonloads of rocks, firewood, and garbage as new trails were made for ponygirl training.  It was hard work, and she was whipped frequently no matter how good a job she did.  She found herself longing for her old life back, and consoled herself with the fact that freedom was only a few months away.  She could hold out that long.  She had to.

She was kept isolated from the others.  The tall blonde could only watch from afar as the fresh-faced ponygirls worked in teams, or bonded when resting in one of the corrals.  Her heart ached to have friends and a social life again.

More girls were brought in, and soon they were crammed two to a stall.  Brianna didn’t want to think of how she had been party to so many girls being enslaved.  Intelligent girls who were now nothing more than beasts of burden, trained animals doing menial tasks.

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