chapter 6

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“It’ll be one year next week,” said Wynona.  “We’ve got to be there for her.  Show her we still support her and that we did everything we could to get her free.”

Bekky and Madison nodded in agreement.  They all felt guilty about what they had done and wanted to make amends.  In that time, they had completed another year of college, had gotten engaged, celebrated birthdays by being able to drink for the very first time.  Brianna had had none of that.  They didn’t want to know what landmarks she had celebrated.  They thought back uneasily to the reports of her giving demonstrations, and didn’t want to even speculate how the captive girl had changed over the months.  Would she still be the same girl they had known since they were little girls?

“I hope nothing’s happened to her.  I haven’t heard of her being seen for, like, months now.”

“Don’t worry.  I don’t think he would do anything to harm her.”

But still, there was the nagging feeling that some accident or unforeseen medical problem had hospitalized or even killed her.

They ordered a huge cake with Welcome home, Brianna! written on it, and flowers, and some of her favorite foods.  The next auction was a few days before her release and, with bidders expecting another ponygirl, the fund-raiser was a big disappointment when none appeared.

When the day came, the trio waited at the stable in nervous anticipation.  Their friend would finally be free from her bondage nightmare.

“This is it, girl.  One year ago today I became your owner.  All that is over now.  Now let’s get you in the trailer, shall we?”

Brianna couldn’t believe it.  It all seemed so unreal.  Her life before being a ponygirl was rapidly becoming a nostalgic memory, and now here she was, about to re-enter her old life.  How long would it take for her to adjust back to what she was before?  Life without restraints and constant orders and strange men attending to her most intimate needs.  Privacy, clothing, freedom to move and do what she wanted—it all seemed so unreal.

She practically trotted across the lawn and into the trailer.  She stood patiently as they strapped her in securely and sealed off her senses.  It was only a matter of hours now until her new life.  She could barely contain her excitement.

The tall blonde’s mind drifted off, lulled into a dreamy euphoria by the steady gentle movement of the trailer.  How much time passed, she had no idea.

The ponygirl came to with a jolt as the trailer stopped.  Her heart pounded with excitement.  It was only a matter of minutes now.  The trailer lurched as someone entered, and then hands began releasing her from the leather straps.

Reins were clipped to her bit rings.  She still had on the blinders and the wax in her ears, so she had to go by the tug of the reins to guide her out.  When she felt grass under her pony boots, they had her stop, and they removed the blindfold and wax.

Brianna blinked.  Her elation turned to confusion when she looked about and didn’t recognize the stable and training grounds.

“Welcome home,” said the rancher.  “I sold you right before your contract expired.  You have a new owner now, and he can own you for as long as he wants.”

A wail escaped from Brianna’s throat as her world spun around and she dropped to her knees, tears pouring from her eyes.

It was getting dark.  The three girls were worried.  The flowers were wilting, the cake was getting stale.

“Where is she?  She should be here by now.”

They looked toward the dirt road, expecting to hear a vehicle or see a dust cloud at any moment.  There was nothing.

THE END...or is it?

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