.me vs your friends.

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" You think that I won't notice if you mouth the words this time.  But I won't pull my punches, I'll use my words to knock your teeth out.
One by one and I'll keep count of all of them"


"Me vs your friends" ~ The Flat Stanleys


⚠️ triggers⚠️
❗️ swearing ❗️
❗️mentions of drugs / cigarettes ❗️


The classroom rumbled, all the children scurried out like rats chasing after cheese. The only children left in the plastic classroom was Craig, Butters, Kenny, and the teacher. Craig was busy very slowly packing his books, he didn't want to get involved with the overpopulated crowd of teenagers trying to slide their way through the cramped doorway. In the back of the class by a desk was Kenny and Butters, their whispering wasn't concealed at all. Craig could barely make out what the two  were talking about but nonetheless they stayed in the back chattering. Occasional he would pick out a specific word pronounced louder than the rest but he couldn't care enough to eavesdrop. The teacher was silent, she continued grading papers from the earlier class. The occupied teacher glanced up from her work to look at Craig. He immediately stood out. "Craig." She called out, her voice as unamused as ever. "What?" Craig responded glancing up with a book still in his hand as the other gripped the backpack sitting in his chair. "I need you to drop off the schoolwork Tweek missed today." She ordered, Craig was mortified. He had to repeat the sentence in his head several times before grasping the new task. His expression turned into a bitter glare directed towards his new least favorite teacher. Finishing packing up his last book he excused himself "I don't even know where he lives." "Take it to his parents coffee shop then. I would ask Kyle but he left too soon."  She quickly invalidated Craig's poorly thought out excuse. Of course everyone knew about the local coffee shop, it had a big conspiracy behind it. Kids gossiped that the owners laced their hot steamy drinks with meth so they all visited for an investigation. "I have homework today." Craig said in a monotone voice sliding his backpack onto his shoulder. "I don't care. Kenny and Butters, you're late." the teacher directed her irritation at the two quiet boy's in the corner of the class. Butters sprinted off and Kenny followed behind nonchalantly. "Craig do you want another detention?" The teacher threatened with a sly grin. Craig flipped her off, normally by habit but this time it was premeditated.

"Tucker! I'm not playing these games today! You take his work to him or you have a weeks worth of detention." The teacher angrily spat out standing up from her chair. She really resembled a  final boss in a video game. Her face confirmed her seriousness. Craig stood in his place frozen, feet planted directly on the ground. He hesitated, giving himself time to debate his next move.  The smart option would be to deliver the work and get the hell out. But after his new awkward feelings towards his enemy he wasn't so sure. He assumed Tweek would have some words to say about the lunch incident or how weird he's been acting. They're supposed to hate each other. Craig convinced himself he wasn't going soft at all, it was only the stress of school and the new kid's he had to compete against. "Fuck you." Craig mumbled as he trudged towards the wooden desk. Before the teacher could retaliate Craig yanked the scattered paper off her desk with a spare textbook underneath the pile. "Watch your mouth." She scolded. Craig didn't respond, instead he walked out of the room in defeat.


A few steps away from the class Craig felt a tap on his shoulder. The ravenette swung around gripping the book in his arms. "What the fuck?!" He snapped at the figure he hadn't had time to process yet. For all he knew it could be PC Principal. The taller boy was greeted with a cowering Butters in front of him. "Uh, geez. Sorry Craig I-"  Butters stammered out, he stepped back to give the angry boy some space. Craig's angered expression faded as he was becoming more impatient. "Uh, Tweek can't have coffee anymore. I overheard the teacher asking you to bring him his work, can you grab some coffee too?" Butters sheepishly asked, his face turned bright red. "I'm not a fucking doordash employee." Craig grumbled out. "I know, I know! Craig please, I know you hate him but my parents grounded me." The younger boy looked down at his feet avoiding Craig's eyes. "Get Kenny to do it.  He could bring Tweeks work to him anyways." Craig shoved the book and papers into butters crossed arms. The smaller boy rejected them. "No!" Butters head snapped up to Craig making full eye contact. "It's your damn job! You can't hate him that much. All you do is bully him and it's not his fault you guys fight! Do your job Craig! One simple job!" Butters finished slamming the books out of Craig's hands.  The books fell to the ground with a loud alert, all the kid's in the hallway now saw the situation unfolding. Craig was taken aback by this sudden dominance Butters was giving off. He hadn't seen Leo this bad since the time he was sent off to Hawaii. He didn't know much about this kid, infact most of the time Craig forgot he existed unless he was with Tweek. Even then it took effort to realize he was actually there. Craig didn't want to argue or have another fight. The ravenette wanted to avoid another detention, he was saving those for the times it was actually worth it and fighting the weakest kid in school would probably get everyone including Kenny to fuck him up. Although Butters was consistently verbally abused, no one really touched him. Craig assumed it was the works of Kenny considering he's fought the asshole before and lost. "Whatever. I'll do what I want. Get out of here Scotch." Craig groaned out leaning down to pick up the books.

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