.snap out of it.

364 12 9

"What's been happening in your world? What have you been up to? I heard that you fell in love, or near enough. I gotta tell you the truth,
I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake baby.
Snap out of it."


"Snap out of it" ~ Arctic Monkeys


⚠️ triggers ⚠️
❗️excessive swearing❗️
❗️panic attacks❗️



The voice shot through the entire classroom loud and dominantly. It was quite early in the morning, the sun was glimmering over the trees while a cool breeze swept through the falling leaves. The sky was a pale blue that seemed to engulf everyone around it. The weather was still a bit chilly, but nothing too abnormal for Colorado. The bell hadn't rung yet, no teacher in sight either. The classroom was barely full with about ten teenagers, mostly the straight A's and then their friends. The class was jittering around quite a lot before the angry, hoarse voice caught their attention. All the teens whirled their heads, some dropping their books, others frozen in plain sight. Everyone witnessed the scrawny, furious boy standing at the front of the classroom where the teacher normally stood. The voice was coming directly for Craig who only came to school early to avoid is parents. Suddenly, all eyes swung over to Craig who was still unpacking his books. Ignore it, he will go away. The voice repeated in his head like a chant. "Craig. I swear to fucking god I'll beat your ass!" Tweek threatened as he angrily stomped over to Craig who's attention  was focused on arranging textbooks. Kyle watched intently at the scene from the other end of the classroom. Wendy also engaged more than the others paying close attention to every movement from her seat. Craig felt Tweeks presence was a little too close for comfort. The ravenette could practically hear the heavy breathing radiating off of Tweek. The taller boy jolted back now making eye contact with his least favorite person. "What is it now?" He growled out repaying Tweek's glare. "Fuck! Don't act like you don't know!" Tweek retaliated throwing his hands up in the air. His emerald eyes widening with bafflement. Craig had a blank expression, his eyes were emotionless. The ravenette's dismissiveness angered the blond even more. He was shaking with rage by now with an occasional twitch. "About what?" Craig's low voice had a sinister intent behind it, he obviously knew what happened. A smirk formed on his lips which made Tweeks blood boil. "THE FUCKING WINDOW CRAIG. THE GOD DAMN, FUCKING WINDOW!" Tweek was exasperated at this point. His vocals were strained and the adrenaline didn't do any favors. "Oh," Craigs voice was ice cold,
"The window?"

"No, I mean the DOOR. YES THE WINDOW."

By now the teacher had entered the classroom to witness the dog fight. Children hadn't gathered around them yet but were very drawn to the two's frustration. The two stood facing each other from a small distance. Tweek looked like he would explode any moment while Craig kept some sort of unfazed composure. Wendy also seemed to be seeping some type of rage. She squirmed around in her seat. Stan had noticed this by now as he carefully made his way to her desk. He attempted to put his hand on her fuzzy lavender  jacket covering her shoulder  but quickly retreated. "What! I didn't mean to!" Craig defensively said, his voice now sparking some sort of emotion. "You threw a book into my window. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDNT MEAN TO?!?" Tweek threw himself at Craig with his fist plummeting in his direction. With a brisk movement Craig was thrown back with a strong shock. His mind blanked out for a moment as he processed the hard blow. "What's going on!!?" The teachers voice echoed in Craig's ears. He couldnt respond even if he wanted to. Tweek recoiled breathing heavily which implied that he didn't have much strength anyways. "You guys need to stop! I'm sick and tired of this. You're both pussies and you have nothing better to do than beat up each other! Everyone is sick and tired of your god damn drama!" A very feminine voice intruded. Tweek turned his head to see Wendy standing up beside her desk. Her face was red from anger. Stan seemed to be hiding behind her. "Craig man up! You're-" before she could continue Stan swiped his hand over his girlfriends lips signaling for her to shut up. Wendy turned to her boyfriend who gave her a "calm down" type look. Then his attention darted to the teacher who had just watched the fight.

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