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"It's more a question of feeling than it is a question of fun. The confidence is the balaclava, I'm sure you'll baffle 'em good. Will the ending reek of salty cheeks and runny makeup alone?
Or will blood run down the face of a boy bewildered and scorned?"


"Balaclava" ~ Arctic Monkeys


❗️mentions of parental neglect ❗️
❗️mentions of self harm❗️


Stan threw his palms down onto the table. "I'm sick of it, they just won't stop! I can't handle this any more. It's worse than Cartman and Kyle." he complained loudly. Stan was loud but not louder than the chaos around them. The teenagers gossip and selfishness filled the room. Their voices coming together to be louder than Stanley. Kenny, Cartman, and Kyle sat at the lunch table boredly listening to him. Kyle sat next to Stan while Cartman and Kenny sat in front of the two super best friends. Kenny was propped up on his arm while Cartman was chowing down on some sandwich. "Mmm.. and what do you expect us to do?" Cartman said, food practically falling out of his mouth.

Stan was of course referring to the two boys that had been enemies for quite a while now. After the incident about a week ago Tweek and Craig were back at it again fighting like dogs. It wasn't much worse but it wasn't better either. "They fight all the fucking time! In class, at free time, on the bus, it never stops! It never does." Stan said exasperated. His face was turning red from anger and Kyle sat intently listening to his friend rant. "Yeah dumbass, why do you care? Because I don't." Cartman snarked out. Stan glared at Cartman, mentally cussing the fat boy out.

"You should care fatass, they're taking your spotlight. Ever thought of that?" Cartman perked up. "I don't even get in trouble anymore because the teachers are too busy holding Craig and Tweek back from each other. I'm sick of it." Stan hissed, relaxing in his uncomfortable chair. The fatass raised his eyebrows in interest. "No.. I haven't Stan, but that explains a lot." the brunette nodded in agreement.

"Good, maybe we can all do something about it. Just maybe.. we can stop this." Stan said standing up from his seat dramatically. He's always been a dramatic kid especially after Tegridy Farms. He started writing music, producing it too, he still had his band with Jimmy, Kenny, and Butters too. Kyle often helped Stan with lyrics and Kenny came to him with new samples. But nonetheless, Stan was dramatic. The stress of his father really got to him so he was more irritable than ever.

Craig and Tweek just fuelled that irritation burning deep inside of him. That anger that he couldn't use to lash out on his father with. Well, he could but it would be pointless. His dad was too far up his own ass to do anything about it. After the weed farm failed he's on to another escapade. "How would we stop it? We can't control their friendship.. or lack there of." Kyle asked, taking a small bit of his food. Stan glanced over to his friend then back at Cartman. "I wouldn't know.. but Cartman might have some good ideas." Cartmans face immediately screwed into a disgusted look. "And why does this concern me again? Oh right, it doesn't." He laughed out.

"Like I said fatass, they're taking your spotlight. The teachers don't even give a shit about what we do anymore. They're too concerned about which one of the gays will kill the other first." Stan explained, leaning back into his seat and crossing his arms. Cartman took a moment to think on it. Stan did have a point, Cartman barely got into trouble anymore. Pc Principal even laid off on Cartman's racism and sexism. At first Cartman liked it, he could get away with anything. But he realized the reason he did those things in the first place, attention. "Fine, but I don't have a plan. You and the jew can figure it out." He said with snark in his voice. Stan let out a disappointed groan. "Kyle?" The blue and red hatted boy asked his best friend.

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