chapter 6

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Jaylenne's POV

I was so confused. I didn't know where I was, what my name was, or who those people are. We got into his car and as I got in I started to question him.

"who are you, where are you taking me, what happened to me?" I said calmly

"listen your name is Jaylenne falcon, you were in a car accident, where a truck hit you. I'm Cameron Dallas your x- um bo- um, your boyfriend. we need to go to our house because I need to show you some stuff ok? don't worry."

"your my boyfriend? wow I have a really good looking boyfriend." I said with a small giggle.

"wyhhh thank you. your not pretty bad looking yourself." he looked at me with a smirk.

I laughed a said thank you. after what felt like forever we arrived at a huge house. it was beautiful.

"this is your house?" I asked him still looking at the house.

"nope. its our house." he smiled at me

"wow. it looks amazing." I said

we walked in and he showed me around. we had a screening room, 6 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, a huge kitchen, and a gigantic living room.

" I understand if you don't want to sleep in our room. you can choose any room you like. its not a problem." he said looking down at his feet.

" its fine. really." I said to him. he lifted up his head and had the biggest smile on his face.

"really. are you sure? I don't want you to do something you don't want."

" I'm serious, don't worry."

he has the most freaking cutest smile I've ever seen. as soon as I sat on the couch the doorbell rang. Cameron opened the door and it was a girl with dark brown hair, brown eyes, about 5'5. she looked at me with wide eyes. then ran over to me.

" Jaylenne you woke up. omg I've missed you so freaking much. omg I love you I don't want anything else happening to you. you don't know how much I've cried." she nearly yelled in happyness.

" thanks? um one question who are you?" I looked at her in a weird face. she turned to where cameron was standing and looked at him with wide eyes.

" you don't remember me? Jaylenne we've been best friends since we we're elementary school." she said starting to cry.

"I'm sorry I don't remember." I whispered.

"Jaylenne I'm...

I'm sorry that this chapter was to short and crappy but I kept on forgetting to save what I wrote a couple of times. hope you like it.

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The life of a not so famous youtuber



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