A Christmas Celebration

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Here's your Christmas special! Enjoy!

The Seven, Calypso, Grover, Juniper, Coach Hedge, Mellie, Reyna, Nico, Will, Thalia, Rachel, Clarisse, Chris, Travis, Conner, Katie, Lou Ellen, Sally, Paul, and all of the kids were invited to the Chase-Jackson house for Christmas Eve. They would be going to the camp the following morning as tradition.


"Here's the turkey, and the potatoes, and the gravy." Piper listed off as she shot things out of the cornucopia and onto the table. Sally arranged everything and put out plates and cutlery.

"Leo, stop. You're not supposed to be roasting grapes over the fire." Calypso said as Leo sat in the fire.

Hazel was manipulating the Mist to make everything Christmas-y.

"Rudolf! Rudolf! Rudolf!" Estelle and Zoë chanted as Frank and Emily turned into reindeer.

"Nico, frost the cookies!" Annabeth demanded.

"Jason, put the star on. We can use an electrical socket for the lights." Reyna said as Jason poked the Christmas lights plug repeatedly, making them flicker. He sighed and picked up the star, flying it up.

"We should have made everything blue." Percy pouted.

"Truth or dare Rachel?" Juniper asked.


"I dare you to do an impression of Will." Juniper whispered.

Will and Nico stared as Rachel ran around with a stolen stethoscope that probably belonged to Bianca. She yelled at Nico's few times about shadow travel as well.

"What the fuck Nico?!" Thalia could be heard from the kitchen. Nico snickered as Thalia came out with a tray of skeleton gingerbread cookies.

Leo looked up from the sleigh he was building to snort comically.

"Idea." Travis said.

"Let's go carolling." Conner finished.

"Now?" Katie raised an eyebrow.

"After dinner." Lou Ellen said.

Chris and Clarisse came in with a bucket of Santa hats and reindeer antlers.

"Suit up." Paul told everyone with a smile.

The rest of the evening was filled with singing, laughing, joking, small floods, a few fires, Thalia shocking people, and they did end up going carolling.

The next morning, everyone was up bright and early. Lou Ellen and Hazel strengthened the Mist around them, and Leo harnessed Festus and the sleigh he had built. Everyone got in the sleigh, including Sally and Paul. They arrived in time for presents and breakfast at camp. As per tradition, Percy put Thalia's gifts under her tree, and she retaliated by chucking his in the lake.

Everyone laughed and socialized while Sally passed out blue cookies and left over skeleton gingerbread.

It was amazing.

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