A Chrisse Wedding

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Chris and Clarisse had the most informal wedding. They got married in jeans and t-shirts in the Ares Defence building. Afterwards, there was cake and drinks. Cecil had officiated the ceremony. It was quite interesting.

"Alright! Dearly beloved, well, some of you are. Anyways, we're gathered to day to celebrate the joining of these to on a mattress or something. Dunno. Keep the frick frack to a minimum. Although I'd love to see a mini Clarisse running around and killing stuff. Sorry, ADHD. So, these two are getting married. You know what? Screw this. Vows. Go."

"Well Chris, when you came out of that dumb maze mumbling nonsense, no one thought you'd be able to be helped. Screw their opinions. I love you and always will, punk. That's a promise."

"Clarisse, the first thing I saw when I woke up was you. I thought I was in the company of an angel. A very kick ass angry angel, but still an angel. You helped me through the madness. I later returned the favour during the war. I love you La Rue. That's my promise."

"I now pronounce you warrior and warrior, hopefully soon joined by warrior junior. Oh shit! Who has the rings! We forgot the rings! Someone get the rings!"

Thalia threw them. They landed perfectly on each partner's left ring finger.

"Perfect! Now you can kiss."

A/N: Just wondering, would you like me to do some sort of Harry Potter crossover once I get the rest of this type of stuff out of the way? Comment your opinions please. Sorry about the author's note.

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