Chapter 8. A rebellion and Winning a war.

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Jess POV.

another terrible windstorm blew in making us all take cover in a cave. As Piper and Shau'ri worries about Jack and Daniel because they are still missing.

Skaara and his friends volunteer to go look for them after they leave a few moments pass before Skaara and his small team lead Jack and Daniel inside.

Skaara then yells something making The crowd in the cave cheers. Skaara Said something in their native tongue as he offers his rifle to Jack . Jack stares around in shock. Kowalski Says," Here, Colonel."

He offers Jack some water. As Shau'ri tends to Daniel, who is coughing. Jack continues to watch the boys handling the rifles.

Kowalski then asks," So, whaddya think? I mean, they're not exactly special forces, but they sure were eager to join up."

Jack then puts down his water and rips the guns away from some of the boys and says," Take these guns away, Lieutenant before they hurt themselves."

Kowalski asked again confused," Sir?"

Jack then says," You heard me, send 'em all home."

" There's no place for these kids to go. Anyway, we could sure use their help right now." Kawalski replied as I nod in agreement with him.

Jack then yells," For what? Huh? To do what?!"

Everyone is stunned at Jack outburst. Jack was visibly shaking, Piper goes over to calm him down though it doesn't look like its working.

Daniel says," Why don't you just tell them everything? Why don't you tell them about the bomb?"

Kowalksi asks," What's he talking about?"

Jack states," My orders were simple. Track down signs of any possible danger. If I found any, blow up the Stargate. Well, I found some."

Daniel then replies" Well, your bomb is his now. And tomorrow he's going to send it back to Earth. Along with a shipment of that mineral they mine here. And when that thing goes off, it's going to cause an explosion a hundred times more destructive than that bomb alone is capable of."

Jack then says," I'll intercept that bomb before he can send it through."

" Why wasn't I told all this?"Kowalksi asked.

Jack responds," Because there wasn't any reason to tell you, Kowalski. You weren't even supposed to be here. You were all gonna go right back through with Daniel and the girls. I was gonna stay behind alone and blow up the Stargate, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

Daniel then says," It's the 'gate on Earth that poses a threat. That's the one that we have to shut down."

Jack replies," You're absolutely right. But since you don't know how to get us back, we don't have that option, do we?"

Jack and Daniel stare at each other. Jack turns to Me and Skaara, who hugs his gun. Jack shakes his head and walks away. Nabeh then went out to bring water to the animals. As Daniel and Piper go after Jack. Kowalski Says to Ferretti," I don't believe this."

Ferretti just shook his head, both then looked up as Phoebe and Prue comes over and sits next to them. Ferretti then says," uh anything you girls want to explain."

Kowalski then continues for him," yeah like what the hell happened back on the battlefield, with you waving you're hands in the air and the red stuff come from you're sisters and the blast mysteriously getting shot back at king ding aling bodyguards."

Phoebe and Prue look at each other and then start to explain

( on the other side of the cave)

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