Chapter 1

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Yubin POV

I staggered into my parents living room, mustering every amount of strength left that I had to not collapse on the floor and or vomit.

"Woah woah woah, hey are you okay?" My younger sister's voice rang in my ears.

She quickly draped my arm over her shoulder and held me steady.

"Jeez you look like you were hit with a truck and then had a bag of trash poured on you," she blurted.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh wow thanks Eunbi, I love you too."

She helped me sit down on the couch and got some water for me and helped me get comfortable.

Shortly after, my parents slowly came into the room. My mother helped me sickly father sit in his chair and got him all his medicines and whatnot.

Honestly, I understood the sentiment, but now was the absolute worst time for my parents to push a 'we want grandkids' motive on me.

My father was really sick. He was just getting worse by the day. At this point, he's borderline senile despite still being relatively young. My parents were in their sixties, but with my father's incurable and unexplainable disease, we were basically told that it was only a matter of time.

Being their eldest daughter, and almost into my thirties, they'd been pushing me to get married and have kids for years. Of course, I'd do what I want because I'm an adult and I can make my own choices.

But since my father came down with this disease, one of his last wishes before he passed was to see me at least get pregnant. He promised he'd be around for the birth, but no one was sure about the future. So I took it upon myself to make sure he at least passed away knowing that his grandchild was going to exist.

Of the boyfriends I had in my twenties, how do I say it nicely? I can't, they were all terrible in bed. I mean it, they were fricken AWFUL!

But of course, they thought me not getting pregnant ever was my fault instead of their sperm's incapability to overcome the struggles to my egg. So after several failed tries with them, they'd leave and blame me for not being able to provide them children.

They thought I was infertile when in fact, my doctor said my eggs were actually in their prime.

Anyway, I was tired of trying with men, but feeling the time crunch of my father's uncertain life line, I decided to try the next best thing. Artificial insemination. Lots of money went into it, but in the end it was worth it. It worked first try.

"Yubin! What a surprise! What are you doing here?" My mom asked.

I groaned, "Mom, I just want to apologize for being a pain in the rear when you were pregnant with Eunbi and I. I've gained a new respect for my gender. Morning sickness is fricken awful."

My mom chuckled, "Ah I see. Yes, it's terrible. You feel like dying from the inside right?"

I leaned my head on Eunbi's shoulder, "It feels like the baby which isn't even a fully formed human yet is eating my insides."

My mom brought me some tea which she claimed would help settle my stomach. But honestly, I just wanted to sleep. That's why I took the day off from work anyway. It was too unbearable.

"Yubin? Are you here?" My father croaked.

He was almost blind in both eyes, so he often had to just listen for us.

"I'm here dad," I said, taking his frail old hand in mind.

"Good," was all he said before returning to staring blankly at the wall in front of him.

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