Chapter 21

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One Week Later

Yubin POV

One whole week. One whole agonizing week of being pregnant alone. I didn't want to worry my mom, so I tried to keep my complaints to a minimum so she could focus on my dad and his worsening state. In the interim, I did whatever I could to relax and take it easy but there was always a lingering nagging pain somewhere in my body.

I slipped into a warm hoodie and some baggy sweatpants, making for my usual pregnancy outfit.

I tiredly began packing away the rest of my clothes into the suitcase I had brought, anticipating the time when Driver Son would come get me and take me back to the place I had called home for the past five months.

Though, as much as I did want to go home, the lingering desire to stay with my dad was weighing down my mind. But I tried to make a compromise with myself that now that Seokjin and I would both be on maternity and paternity leave respectively that the two of us good come by whenever we wanted.

Of course we also had other things to prepare for. We had to buy baby supplies and clothes, throw a baby shower, and attend birthing classes.

But I was still going to set aside time to be with my dad no matter what.

Once I was sure I had everything packed I quickly grabbed my phone and called Seokjin but was met with a voicemail operator.

I found that strange since Seokjin wasn't supposed to be boarding his flight for a few more hours and he said he'd call, but I just assumed he was busy with some last minute work.

Once I had my bag all packed I headed out of my room to find my mom very intently staring at the TV screen as some over enthusiastic news reporter shouted loudly.

"Jeez mom you think you could turn it down," I whined.

Her gaze was totally fixated on the screen.

"Uh mom?"

I came a bit closer, sitting beside her to see what had grabbed her full attention.

"A hot topic of today's entertainment news comes from South Korea's most attractive and wealthy CEO. This week, CEO Kim of the Kim Group had taken a trip to the United States for some undisclosed business work and it was there that he made this shocking statement."

The camera switched to a scene of Seokjin being blinded by flashing lights in a giant meeting hall where reporters and business lords sat in eager anticipation.

"Lately, many of you, including reporters back home and partners here in the west have been constantly badgering me about several pictures taken with a young woman. Ever since then, malicious commenters and rather irritating reporters have tried to stick their nose into my business even though they are fully aware how much that irks me. Anyway, to put an end to all of the constant gossip that has been heard throughout the walls, yes, me and that woman in the photo are dating. She is my girlfriend and not some 'good time.' With that being said, I will absolutely not reveal her name or information because I've seen how some of you totally tore her to shreds. I ask that you be kind on the internet and know that your words can really hurt someone. And just to make it clear...anyone caught making such comments will be contact with my lawyer and sued for a quite a sum of money for defamation and creating malicious comments. Make my pockets heavier...I dare you."

I watched Seokjin in awe as he coolly stepped off of the podium and strode out of the hall with his head held high.

I stared at the beauty of his features and how when he was totally confident and in his element, how much more attractive and enticing he was.

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