Chapter 14

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"Oh my god right there~" I hummed.

Seokjin grinned at the unholy sound that just exited my lips before applying a bit more pressure to my legs.

"You know, you should drop the CEO act and become a professional masseuse. I'll be your number one customer so you can give me all the leg massages you want," I joked.

He scoffed, "You're becoming very privileged Miss Kwon. When the baby comes out, the first thing you're doing is giving me a massage. I've never worked this hard for someone else."

I snickered, "Well then you're in for a big surprise CEO Kim. When the tiny human comes out, everything you do will be for them. You'll have to change their diapers, and feed them, and burp them, and put them to sleep, and sing and read to them, and love them. If you thought I was bad, wait till you've got baby fever."

There was a sudden knock at the door that made Seokjin cheekily push my legs off of him.

He quickly spoke to the person at the door and signed something before carrying in a big package and some envelopes.

I quickly got up to help him with the falling envelopes while he handled the big package.

"Jeez what did you order?" I questioned.

He shrugged, "I don't even know. Namjoon told me to order it so I did."

I sifted through the mail mindlessly until my eyes landed on a beautiful designed envelope.

I gasped, "No way!"

Seokjin jumped at my outburst, peeking over my shoulder to see what I was so excited about.

Dear My Lovely Sister~

After so long, your lovely custom-made card will have arrived. Consider this your formal invitation to Chanhyuk and I's wedding in two weeks. Yes I know it's late, but you told me you wanted to prettiest card and you know I deliver, so I had to get the message and everything personalized.

I know it's last minute but we decided not to have a rehearsal dinner so we'll see you on wedding day my sister of honor~

Also, bring CEO Kim with you. It's high time the Kwon's met our newest addition's baby daddy.

I blushed embarrassedly at the casualness of her message.

I could practically feel Seokjin smirking next to my ear.

"So...they want to meet the baby daddy huh?" He grinned.

I was about to retort his cocky statement when my eyes widened in realization and horror.

"Oh my god! I need to buy a new dress! I grew out of my other one!" I exclaimed.

I had gone dress shopping with Eunbi about a month before I got pregnant and it totally slipped my mind that the fitted dress wouldn't be so fitted anymore.

Seokjin amusedly chuckled at my frantic panic.

"Why are you freaking out so much? Did you forget who I am? This is the perfect opportunity for us to go out in public and stir up trouble."

I frowned, remembering the horrible things said about me the last time I went out in public with him.

He laughed sweetly, making my heart flutter.

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