Chapter 10

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Longest chapter I've ever written to compensate for no updates the last three days. 6k+ words. Happy Reading 📖

Yubin POV

"Oh my god, he's totally into you unnie!"

I choked on my spit, "Yah! Are you crazy?! This is Kim Seokjin we're talking about! He's not 'into' anyone except himself! And maybe the baby."

Eunbi grinned teasingly, "I'm just saying unnie. I mean, it's as you said, this is Kim Seokjin we're talking about. Even though you're pregnant, I doubt he would be as kindhearted as he is now. I mean he carried you when you were sick and he dried your tears, maybe he's a keeper unnie. I mean he's throwing you an 'end of first-trimester' party. Who does that?"

"Kim Seokjin. Plus, some party it is," I huffed.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh come on, it's not like we care. We'll celebrate your end of the first trimester another way. Don't be petty."

I scoffed. Seokjin never did something that extravagant without having some sort of repayment.


"Kwon Yubin. Buy the nicest dress you can. I'm throwing you an 'end of first-trimester' party!"

I coughed, "A what?!"

He smirked, "Ah you're so thankful that you raised your voice right? Yes, I know, I'm a genius."


"Because this is a momentous occasion. You've completed your first trimester. From here on out, you and I are in the middle of the race to the end. So we must celebrate," Seokjin hummed.

I looked him dead in the eyes, "What's the catch?"

He gulped, "What catch? There's no catch. What kind of a man do you take me for?"

I scoffed, "The kind that has a catch to stuff like this. What're the conditions?"

He clicked his tongue, "Aish, you're getting too comfortable Miss Kwon. Kindness doesn't ensue casualness. And if you must know, there is a tiny catch. But it shouldn't inconvenience you. See, the place I've decided to throw the party is a hotspot for 'gem' action."

My eyes widened, "There?! W—what? Why?"

He chuckled, "Isn't it obvious. I'm going to introduce you to the 'gems.'"

I thought I was going to pass out.

"I—what? Well...can my family come to this party at least?" I asked desperately.

He looked at me sternly, "Absolutely not. If you must know, the 'catch' is that this supposed to generate a buzz in the press about you. If there's a big freak out over your identity, my business gets more exposure. It's marketing strategy number one!"

I narrowed my eyes at him, anger bubbling up inside of me, "And I'm supposed to be that buzz? Do I look easy to you?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

"You're excused. CEO Kim, with all due respect, I'm not comfortable being the media's rag doll that they can fantasize about and jab at. My life has always been quiet and I'd like to keep it that way. For the sake of me, the baby, and my family. So I'm going to have to decline—"

Seokjin grabbed me by my wrists and pulled me towards him. His deep brown eyes stared deeply into mine and there was his signature serious expression on his face.

"Kwon Yubin, I'm asking you nicely to do this for me. The media will not see your face, I'll make sure of it."

I frowned, "I don't want them to know I'm pregnant either. They'll eat me alive if they find out."

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