Chapter 25

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I sighed as I rolled my blouse sleeves up in the mirror.

Despite being on maternity leave, I needed to go into work today because the gems were having a big meeting about the correspondence party I had been diligently planning. This party was a huge deal and this year I had been entrusted to make sure everything was in order so I absolutely could not miss this meeting despite Seokjin's avid protests.

Seokjin sighed, wrapping his arms loosely around my waist.

"I'm gonna miss you~" he mused.

I chuckled, "It's just a few hours Jinnie. And then after the meeting you and I can go home."

He pouted, nuzzling his face into the back of my neck while pressing fluttering kisses to the back of my neck.

I cradled my baby bump with my free hand while Seokjin clung onto my other arm trying to keep me from going to work.

I managed to twirl out of his arms blowing him a kiss as I picked up my bag and a few files.

"Come on big baby. The faster we get through the day the faster we can come home and cuddle," I bargained.

He relented with a sigh, dragging his feet as his grumpily followed me out to the car where Driver Son was waiting.

We got in and drove off to my work first.

I peppered him with as many kisses as possible to silence his whiny protests when I was getting out of the car.

"I love you Jinnie~" I cooed once I slipped from his arms.

He blew me one last kiss before Driver Son came and opened the door.

I waved at him before shutting the door and making my way into the familiar hotel.

I gave a small bow to all my coworkers who seemed in shock to see me. They should've expected it since they knew I was in charge but it felt nice to be the talk-of-the-town. Though I was sure there was a distinct reason for it.

"KWON YUBIN!" A voice squealed.

I looked up and beamed and Luna who came barreling towards me with a stupid smile on her face.

"Hey Lulu~ I missed you," I hummed as she enveloped me in a big hug.

"God girl you are looking so fine! Ugh how can pregnancy be so nice to you? You're like a majestic unicorn," she fawned. 

I snickered, "Tell me something I don't know."

She stared at me wide eyed, "Okay look girl, I think CEO Kim is rubbing off on you too much."

I playfully smacked her while walking to my usual place and placing my stuff down.

I greeted some of my other coworkers who were obviously itching to ask me about the Seokjin rumors. But I just shot them a mean glare because I truly didn't have energy to deal with their idiocy.

I was about to head up to go clock in with Taehyung, but he beat me to it, his eyes hazily glazing over me.

Everyone in the lobby of the hotel froze at the sight of him, but he briskly pushed past him, his eyes seeming rather irritated.

I bowed politely, remembering the business interaction etiquette even for someone I could call a close friend.

"CEO's good to see you," I hummed.

"I'm glad you could make it Manager Kwon. As you know, today is a pretty important meeting with several of my own staff as well as the other CEOs staff so I trust that your presentation will go off without a hitch?" He cocked an eyebrow with a hint of amusement in it.

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