Chapter 32

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Yubin POV


My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light before darting around the room.


The fight.

An empty feeling settled in my chest as I painfully remembered the foolish decision I made.


Not foolish. Responsible, and mature decision...that may have felt foolish only because of how much I loved that jerk.

I felt the weight in the bed shift as my sister threw her arms around me and nuzzled her face in my neck like she used to do when she was younger.

"Hey. What time is it?" I asked sleepily.

"Almost one," she said plainly.

I sighed, remembering how Seokjin and I was just sleep till one or two in the afternoon, or if we were awake, how we'd just cuddle until then.

"You've sighed quite a lot since we got here. And your eyes are all puffy because I'm going to assume you've been crying. You wanna tell me what happened and why you're not all smitten with Prince Charming?" She asked.

I averted my gaze to the white blanket.

"I don't want to talk about it. It's silly, you shouldn't be getting stressed over my problems," I muttered.

She rolled her eyes and groaned, "Would you stop doing that? I'm not a kid anymore unnie. You keep hiding your struggles for the sake a bearing the burden but that's so dumb. I'm a married woman, I'm pretty sure your relationship problems is one of the easiest things I can help you with."

She looked at me seriously, obviously willing to listen to my stupid problems.

So I ended up letting it all out. And I mean all of it. The whole truth of the fight and the ugly things we both said to each other. I told her every little detail, and she sat there and listened while I ranted with my whole chest.

I found myself crying as I spoke, realizing how dumb my fight with Seokjin was.

Eunbi comfortingly rubbed my back helping me calm down as I hiccuped.

"So tell me unnie...why are you crying?" She asked softly.

"Because I miss him, and I hate fighting. Especially if it's with someone I love. I hurt him so bad Eunbi," I mumbled.

She tenderly cupped my face, "Well first of all, he said something equally hurtful back to you and second of all, the fact that you're here crying over someone you love so dearly shows me you two will be just fine. Take it from me unnie. I'm married to the guy I've been dating for over ten years. Do you think we didn't fight over stuff like this? Oh god no we fought all the time. Especially about seven years in, it was so bad that we actually took about a two or three month break. I hated it and I felt incomplete without him. It's exactly like you told me, relationships are always bumpy roads. It's your and your partner's job to find the smoothest route. You love him. And he loves you. You were both angry and things were said. But that doesn't mean that you can't reconcile just as fast."

"But we're fighting over the future of our child. That's not a one day argument," I cried.

"Maybe not. Maybe there's some underlining issues that you two need to sort out. But for the sake of your baby, and you're genuine love and happiness, you'll figure it out. You have to. And to be fair, I see his point. Although I will literally strangle him for calling you weak-minded. But he's not wrong about you sacrificing everything for everyone else. That's not a bad quality, but it can make you naive. You want to help others at the expense of your own happiness. Mom, dad, and I would always watch you with such guilt because of all that you did for us. He doesn't want his daughter to grow up thinking she needs to be there for everyone else. If she can't satisfy her own needs, the world will never respect her. That's why he wants to do this. But on the other hand, your point is valid too. You want her to have dreams. To enjoy her childhood innocence instead of being thrown into the unfortunate life of 'famous parents.' If you two could talk it out and compromise, you'd become so much stronger as a couple."

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