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"fuck Rora, if i'm going to bathe in that water you better start talking to me"

"stop being a pussy and get in, it doesn't even look cold

"thanks for the motivation bitch"i thought while I jumped in

I felt like I was submerged in ice, the water was too cold to even bathe in, naah I want to be clean, but if these are the measures i'd rather not.Slowly I started getting out I felt the water get warm. Wait what? just a few seconds ago I felt like I was in an iceburg and now it feels like a sauna? So instead of going out I stayed in water until my skin looked pale and wrinkly.

Great so now i'm clean but still naked, why didn't I think of that earlier.I got out and walked around, I saw a few trees I could recognise, trees that my mother used to make her herbs with. When I was nine I had helped my mother make some oil and all it needed was a few leaves that were around me and some water. Well looks like I have everything I need.I found a metalic rusted tin, rinsed it with the warm water, which still shocked me how warm it was, I picked the leves and a stone and crushed them in between adding water until it had formed a paste. I spread the paste on my body and it was just enough.I figured since I was going to be staying in the forest the whole night I might as well start a fire.

I went around taking barks from trees to use as firewood, they were slightly wet but again my mum had taught me how to use dry leaves to make a fire faster. Thanks mum. As I was picking wood I saw a piece of fabric. My heart jumped as I saw it was a shirt, thank God. As I pulled it out some shorts fell with a pair of boxers?  The thought of wearing a man's clothes that were secretly stashed in the woods sounded like a bad idea, but it was way better than that man coming for his clothes and finding me naked.I pulled the shirt onto my body. It smelled like cinamon, marshmellows and milkshake. My stomach took it as its cue to grumble. I dont even remember the last time i had a decent meal even a good bath like the one I just had. After wearing the shirt and the short I put back the boxer in its hidden position and went back to start my fire.The fire was just about to come to life whe I heard a twig break. Quickly I scattered the wood and hid behind an enourmous tree.

 I watched as a tall guy stumbled to the cleared area, he looked like he was in pain, he removed his shirt and kneeled down. The light from the moon shone on his body, this guy looked like a whole meal. He was muscular, very muscular, with dark hair and a chiselled jaw bone, which looked like it could cut right about anything, he had a scar on his back but instead of looking bad it added to his physique.I'd say he was approximately a 6'5. He had crunched his eyebrows like he was thinking, like he was forcing something out. He groaned in pain as I heard a farmiliar cracking of bones.

Rora was quiet, but I could tell she was happy I cant beleive i've never felt her in me.Another loud crack broke through the quiet night and I heard a growl.I turned to see a big wolf lying on the ground I could hear the quiet whimpers that came from it. The wolf was big and black as the guy's hair with long legs that looked really strong.

"he'd make a good fuck"    

Great, now I have to deal with another perverted living being. I meantally face palmed as Rora's dirty thoughts circulated my mind.Before I knew what I was doing I sighed,wow, I could totally make it being an undercover agent.

I watched as the wolf's ears perked up to listen to its background.I dont know for how long I had been holding my breath but it seemed to work.My stomach on the other hand had other plans. A loud grumble that sounded like a dying whale sounded through the night, I didn't even know it was me until the wolf comletely turned and looked at me straight in the eye. My heart started to race I wanted to run but I couldn't. I could feel the power radiating from the wolf, his eyes were glowing red with a dark slit for a pupil.

 I had read somewhere that incase you make eye contact with an alpha of a wolf make yourself look fierce and dont show fear.

I was pretty sure he could see the fear in my eyes so I guess I had to go for the other option, I lifted my hands to make myself big. Im sure I looked really stupid with an oversize shirt and shorts that looked like they would fall any minute from now with my hands raised above my head like a freaking praying mantis, I guess the same thought was going through his mind because the warning look from its eyes had left and so did his baring teeth.

 He tilted his head like he was studying me. Just as I was about to put my hands down the wolf whimpered as his eyes glowed a little  his stance faltered and he fell on his side, all the fear I had turned to worry as I ran to its side. I didn't even know what to do so I placed my hand on his back and soothingly rubbed it like I would hve done on a dog.It seemed to be working because the whimpers had stopped and he had started closing his eyes. I lifted my hand to go start the fire but as I did a warning growl stopped me. I looked at the wolf under me and his eyes still had the same glow but a little dimmer, he looked like he was pleading and so I stayed.

I placed both hands on his back and continued rubbing circles.His fur was a lot longer than I thought because my whole hand was covered completely. A breeze passed through and even though I had clothes I shuddered.I never really liked the cold. I looked down at the wolf who was looking at me. There was something about his presence that comforted me, he nuzzled his head on the crook of my neck and layed his head on my chest. Looking down at him I felt like I was having a very intimate moment.Rora was jumping insanely continuing with her dirty thoughts, but I felt insecure.I didn't have a huge bust,what if he wasn't comfortable what if I was hurting his head.My thoughts were confirmed when he stood and walked toward a tree.

I knew it, I knew I wasn't even comfortable enough for him to stay for a while. He came from the tree with the hidden boxer in his mouth, wait, the clothes were his? I knew it,he was going to take the clothes away from me, then he would see me naked.What if he has bad thoughts about my body and tries to rape me.I'm not going to sit and wait to be sexually assaulted by this handsome guy

"he's not going to hurt us Candra, besides if he wanted to he would have already, I mean we just spent the last hour acting like we were meant to be so what could change this"

Rora had a fair point, but she didn't know manipulative men the way I did.They just make sure you trust them then they take advantage.Atleast thats what Stuart did, he was the nicest to me and never hit me, but when I trusted him he tried to rape me.

I wasn't going to sit and wait for that to happen again.I waited until he was in the water almost completely submerged then I took of the clothes and placed them in a pile.I turned as slowly a I could to see if he was looking and he wasn't.I ran as fast as I could wishing that I did it as quiet as possible. 

Like I said before, it was going to be a long night.

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