Drunk nights and fights.

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Xander's POV.

I had finished working out. I felt like every bone in my body wanted to break. I was trying o get myself tired. I just needed some water a shower and maybe food?Then sleep.

I walked toward the fridge hoping I'd find something to eat. A pink note on top of the fridge caught my eye as I smelled vanish.

Incase you care, I've gone to visit someone, 

I might not be back early so tell Alika not to wait up.


I read the note more than seven times, Candra was a nice nickname, maybe I'd start calling her that. I could still smell the vanish. It even reminded me I hadn't repaired the door yet. The two lovebirds would be here any second and I don't think I have the strength to listen to Alika lecture me on how its not safe in the woods. I mean what's the worst that could happen to a wolf a vampire  a witch and a trybrid.

First to analyze the hole so that I know the extent of repair. I thought as I headed toward the door. I kept looking at the note in my hands smiling like a lunatic.

This was a girl and a half. But if they were mates and all wouldn't Ethan insist on her moving in there, he did have his house right?

I got to the entry table another pink note on it. I laughed as I picked it up. What was this? kindergarten or something. 

Next time you get all angry and make a hole on the door 

I'd be glad if I wasn't the one to fix it Mr.Hulk

How does Alika even handle you

yet I'm the one you called a rogue 


I laughed out loud as I looked toward the door. It looked_


did she make a new door from scratch with that short period of time. It was a different colour natural brown. It had planks of wood varying with size from the smallest to largest. It was beautiful. 

How did she even know how to fix doors. This girl was full of surprises. I thought as I walked to my room. My room was like the biggest in the whole mansion. It had a kitchen of its own, not that I knew how to cook anyway, it also had a living room with a gaming area and the bathroom had a hot tub. 

It was Ryder's idea to do all this, it's not like I needed it anyway.I stripped as I wondered who Candra had gone to see . I had wanted to see her ask her if she thought Alika was my girlfriend.But I couldn't even figure out where she had gone because she had no scent.

Even if she had one, what if she had gone to see Ethan, I had watched them make out once, I wasn't ready to do it again. I was about to head to the bathroom when my stomach grumbled.

"How about we feed you first eh mate,"I said rubbing my stomach. I mean yes I was talking to my stomach so what, doesn't everybody do it?

I walked to my fridge, I had stocked it with food since Alika practically cleared everything I put in the fridge downstairs.  How was I even bestfiends with that hog.

I put some pizza in the microwave as I wore my towel. By the time the food was ready the water was already hot. So I took three slices placing them on to of each other and taking a bite. I mean lets call it fast food.

I finished the slices and took a long soothing shower. I looked at my mixed berry shampoo laughing at the memory . Alika had bought me the shampoo as a joke for my birthday. I came to like it after a while and kept buying it.

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