Chapter 3

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Jamie nodded, "Okay, I'll be right back!"
He left the room and Sophie followed close behind.
Jack sat up straight and pulled the photo out of his pocket.
He kept staring at it. Trying to see if he could get a glimpse of the hallucination he saw earlier.
Nothing happened.

"Hey, Zel!" Jamie said entering the kitchen.
Rapunzel looked at him with her hands full of dishes, "Hey Booger, hi princess." she said to the two of them.
"Do you know where the camera is? The mint-colored one? I need it for a project."
Zel laid the stack of bowls and plates on the table and placed her hand on her wrist, "Mint... Mint... The polaroid? Ah... Yeah, I put it in the cupboard, just now actually."
Jamie nodded and grabbed it.
Zel placed a plate down then set a bowl on top of it, "So, project? That sounds fun, is it for school?"
"Yeah, family tree, I need pictures of everyone."
"You designing the tree or doing boxes?"
"Tree, Mr. Mughal is just trying to make everything as complicated as possible."
Zel set more dishes down, "Mind if I help with the painting?"
Jamie smiled, "I was hoping you'd offer."
"Sophie, you wanna help too?" Zel offered.
Sophie nodded and smiled.
"Hey, you guys set the silverware, I'll set the cups."
They both nodded and rushed to the drawer.
Zel giggled while walking to a cabinet.
"Thanks, dears," Mrs. Bennett said to the three, "dinner is almost ready, Zel I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."
Zel sniffed the air, "Oo, hazelnut soup?"
She smiled, "Of course, you're only with us for so long. Might as well prepare your favorites."
Zel smiled back placing the cups down.
After everyone finished, Jamie grabbed the camera, "Can I take a quick picture of the two of you."
"Of course."
The two smiled and Jamie took separate photos of the both of them.
"I have to go put this with my other project pictures, can you call me when dinner is ready?"
"Sure, no problem." Zel beamed.

Jamie ran to the attic to find Jack scoping out the room, he was looking through drawers and under things.
"What are you doing?" Jamie asked upon entering.
Jack jumped.
Jamie gestured his head.
"I was just--I've never seen this room I wanted to see... So, what's up with her style?"
"Clothes or hair?" Jamie asked.
"I meant clothes-but is there a reason her hair is like that?" Jack inquired.
"Yeah, you wanna know?"
Jack nodded.
"Well, the long skirt-dress style comes from her boarding school, they kind of have a dress code. And as for the hair, she doesn't really like to talk about it but since she can't see or hear you I don't see how it could hurt." Jamie explained.
Jack listened, intrigued.
Jamie furrowed his eyebrows, "She used to have long blonde hair, not quite Rapunzel long but it could almost reach the floor. But uhh... A few years ago she... She got breast cancer. All her hair fell out, she had to get her chest removed. It grew back brown and patchy. She misses the long hair though, we just never bring it up."
"What name did you say?"
"I didn't say a name."
"You did, describing the hair. What name did you use?"
"Oh, Rapunzel. A girl with over seventy feet of hair-I think."
"Rapunzel... Rapunzel..." Jack mumbled to himself, "I... I know that name... How do I know that name..."
Jamie leaned in, "What?"
Jack looked up, "Jamie, sorry, I have to go. Uhh... Here" he placed the photos of Jamie's parents in the boy's hand, "I'll be back soon, I'll try to hang out or something next time... I just- I have stuff to look at and... Yeah." Jack tried explaining as he quickly left the house.

"North! North!" Jack screamed when he entered his workshop.
North peeked out his office door, "Oh, Jack!" he exclaimed, slamming the door open, hitting one of the nearby elves.
"That's an excellent frost out there, my boy!" North complimented.
Jack darted his eyes back and forth between the room, "Where's Toothiana?"
"She's probably in her realm preparing for tonight. Why?"
Jack rushed past him, "I need... Stuff. Information."

Jack went through a portal and North looked at the empty space perplexed, "What's up with that boy this time?" he asked himself.

Jack examined the realm, looking out for Toothiana.
She and the mini Tooth's were nowhere to be seen.
Jack took the opportunity and immediately went to where the memories were stored.

The system had become much more efficient over the years and everything was placed in order from time zone to alphabetical.
The only problem was there were billions and Jack was only looking for one.
His own. The 17th century alone was already a big category and now he had to find if he was located in the J's or the O's.

A little Tooth that was following Jack noticed and alerted Toothiana who was getting everything ready.
"Someone's with the memories?" she clarified, "But who--Oh no, Pitch."
Toothiana bolted to the memories section slightly relieved to see that it was just Jack being nosey.
Jack quickly flinched and turned around, "Oh... Toothiana... Hi." he nervously stated, pretending as if he were doing nothing.
"Are you looking for your memories, you've already looked through it?"
Toothiana looked at him sympathetically, "Jack, you know how powerful memories are, you just can't take them."
Jack huffed, "I know but..."
"But what?"
"I need to remember something. Just glimpse at it to see if it's something I can remember, these last few hours have been so overwhelming and-" he tried explaining, his eyes glistening.
Toothiana sighed, "Well, Jack. You're not supposed to be here. And even if you were allowed, you wouldn't be able to find what you're looking for." she stated, looking down.
Jack narrowed his eyebrows, "What? Why not?"
Toothiana bit her lip and inched closer and closer to Jack, "Well, you can only access a memory once."
"Well, for instance, you've already looked into your memories. You can't recheck it. You can look through another vial but after the one time, you can't look through it again. North could look through your memories once and then the other vial after you again, only once. There is no double-checking. I and the mini Tooth's are the only ones that can."
Jack squinted, "But I didn't see all of my memories."
Toothiana rested her hand on his back, "I know, the way the memories work is they only show you what you want to see at that moment. That's why it is so important you tell me before you go looking through them. They're complicated and even I don't know everything about them."
She puckered her lips and slowly leaned in toward Jack. She could feel the heat radiating as she aimed to reach his lips.
Jack quickly turned his head, causing her lips to smack against his cheeks, "What are you--"
Toothiana's eyes widened and her cheeks reddened, "Oh, I just thought?"
"You thought you could kiss me while I'm going through a crisis?" Jack finished.
Toothiana pursed her lips, "I just thought... it would comfort you..." she excused.
Jack looked at her ambivalently, "No, you're trying to be a distraction. I don't-- I'm gonna go." he stated before walking off.
Toothiana watched him longingly.

"What is up with today?" Jack pondered, kicking his feet.

He waited on the sidelines for Toothiana to leave her realm.
After a swarm of little Tooth's left, Jack went in.

He flew back to the seventeenth-century section and began searching for his last name.
"Overland... Overland... Overland!" he exclaimed.
He quickly grabbed his memories, despite not being able to use it.
In the corner of his eye, he noticed a vial. It was like the others, but this one specifically grabbed his attention.
He went to check it out.
The cool metal met his hands.
"Mary. Mary Overland." he whispered, "My... Sister..." he scanned the area before stuffing it into his pocket.

Jack didn't want to open the memory there in case he got caught.
He hesitated where he was, he wanted to try and find a vial that said Rapunzel. But he didn't know her last name or even if she existed.
He flew to the one place he knew he could be alone.
The place he was reborn.

Author's note: So for that picture, I made at the top, sorry that Jamie looks weird. I tried to make him look older and I swear with the editing app I used it looked better quality.
But now it looks like he has a mustache.
And I just spent so long, Jamie was the last one, I'm not gonna lie I just gave up.

Doesn't he kinda look like a distant relative of charming from Shrek?Let's just pretend he took it at an angle to give him a stronger chin, I dunnoAlso-Sorry I suck at editing

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Doesn't he kinda look like a distant relative of charming from Shrek?
Let's just pretend he took it at an angle to give him a stronger chin, I dunno
Also-Sorry I suck at editing...

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