Chapter 11

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Zel rapidly shook her head.
She's only ever believed what she's been told and usually when she didn't have proof she chose not to believe it.
If there was no way to obtain proof--That's what she wonders about.

And other than seeing a ring jump out of a hole in the middle of a lake and an orange orb--There was really no way to get proof.

"Rapunzel!" A voice yelled, entering the house.
Zel popped her head out once again due to curiosity.
Jamie looked out his room door and Sophie did the same, "Jack?" the two asked themselves in unison.
"Wait, Jack?" Zel inquired, "Is that who...?"
Jamie turned his head to face his sister, "Wait, you heard him?"
"Someone shouted Rapunzel."

Jack ran into the hallway, his eyes glistening wet, screaming, "Jamie! I need you to get your sister too--"
Zel stared at Jack blankly. Her eyes were wide and filled with both fear and confusion, "Jamie... Who is that?" Zel studdered.
Jack looked at her with his mouth slightly hanging open.
Zel tried not to break eye contact as the blood rushed to her head and she felt around for a weapon.
She grabbed a frying pan and aimed it at the mysterious white-haired stranger.
"Why is there a frying pan in your room?" Jamie questioned, ruining the moment.
Rapunzel tried to shrug as her face turned red.
"Rapunzel." Jack whispered.
"Oh, she's a former dead princess he used to be in love with--But hey! You can see him?!"
Zel slowly nodded.
With no hands to support her and keep her in the room she face planted into the floor, "Ow." she mustered.
Sophie giggled.
"She... She can see me!" Jack quietly exclaimed.
"Yes, thank you Mr. Obvious. Now help my sister because she just fell on her face."
Jack nodded and rushed to her aid.
"Rapunzel, are you okay?"
"What? Yeah, I'm good." she said as a force of habit. She jumped realizing she was still confused. She grabbed her frying pan and pointed it at the man, "Wait, who are you?"
"Jack Frost!" Sophie danced.
"Wh-what? You're not real." Zel fumed.
"I feel pretty real." Jack smirked.
Zel furrowed her eyebrows, "No... No... You're... You're  fictional."
Jack reached his arm out and Zel retaliated by backing up against the ladder.
Jack noticed and pulled his arm back.
Zel raised her frying pan and aimed it at his face.
Jack stood still and closed his eyes, preparing to be hit.
She inched it closer to his face until it lightly booped his nose.
He narrowed an eyebrow and opened his eyes, "What?"
"Jamie, his skin... He's really there!"
Jamie nodded and laughed.
Zel turned her head to face Jamie, still looking at Jack, "Are we... Are we being robbed?"
Jack and Jamie both laughed, "No." Jamie said, "This is Jack Frost. The one we've been talking about since you got here." he explained.
Sophie nodded.
"Uh-huh." Zel barely mustered.
Jack smiled at her and slowly lowered the pan.
"Hey." he whispered.
Zel backed her head up, eyes still wide, "Uh... Hello?"
Jamie walked to the opposite wall and grabbed his sister's hand, "Sophie, want some popcorn?"
Sophie nodded and they left the two alone.
"I'm Jack."
Zel nodded, "Yeah, I think that was cleared up." she gulped.
Jack chuckled.
"Am I supposed to call the cops on you? How does this work, you didn't really knock so it's sort of trespassing?" Zel inquired.
Jack shrugged, "How can you see me?"
Zel shook her head, "I don't... Know..."

Zel climbed up the ladder backwards, careful not to break eye contact with the strange white-haired man, "Ah... Okay... So I'll... I'll be in my room... You... Exist? I'm just gonna... Take a little nap or... Or something..."
Jack smiled at her.
"I'll... be back... when I'm not hallucinating... or feel better... Whatever comes first..." Zel finished as she stepped off the last stair.
She slowly closed the door to the attic and leaned against the wall clenching her chest, "What's happening? Why is my heart beating so fast? How is any of this real? I'm going crazy."
Jack lingered for a bit before turning to meet with Jamie.
He and Sophie were in the living room with a bowl of popcorn, watching a horror movie. Sophie was clinging onto a unicorn stuffed animal for comfort.
Jamie saw him enter, "Jack, you wanted to say something when you came in?"
Jack had a goofy smile across his face, "I got everything I wanted. Don't worry." He plopped himself into the couch beside Sophie, "So, what are we watching?"

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