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Natsuo Todoroki has created a group chat

Natsuo Todoroki has added Fuyumi Todoroki and Shoto Todoroki to the chat

Fuyumi Todoroki: What's going on Natsuo? Why'd you make this chat?

Natsuo Todoroki: So we can keep in touch!

Shoto Todoroki: ...

Natsuo Todoroki: Also who the fuck ate my cookies

Fuyumi Todoroki: Language Natsuo!

Natsuo Todoroki: Whomst the fucketh ate my cookies they must haveth the wish of painful and slow death

Fuyumi Todoroki: I'll let that slide.

Shoto Todoroki: Ew grammar

Fuyumi Todoroki: I am a teacher Shoto. I have to use grammar whether you like it or not.

Shoto Todoroki: **Im a teacher Shoto I have to use grammar idc what you say

Natsuo Todoroki: I actually didnt understand it until he translated lol

Fuyumi Todoroki: I'm silently wondering how you passed middle school. Also, use grammar please and thank you.

Natsuo Todoroki: N o T h a n k s P a l

Shoto Todoroki: Pal?

Natsuo Todoroki: Stands for paladin 

Shoto Todoroki: Okay thats fine

Fuyumi Todoroki: ...Why are you both so annoying?

Natsuo Todoroki: You love us for the annoying lil shits we are

Fuyumi Todoroki: Incorrect statement, try again.

Shoto Todoroki: Oop-

Fuyumi Todoroki: That applies to you too.

Shoto Todoroki: Ouch

Natsuo Todoroki: I dont care about ur feelings where tf are my cookies

Shoto Todoroki: He big mad

Natsuo Todoroki: CONFESS DAMNIT

Shoto Todoroki:

Natsuo Todoroki: 

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Natsuo Todoroki: 

Natsuo Todoroki: 

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Todoroki Group ChatWhere stories live. Discover now