Villains vs. Heroes War Arc (Part Three)

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"Sir, I believe it's time. You're even stronger than you were before. You have many quirks at your disposal. They will not stand a chance."

All for One nodded, and slowly, he began moving into the air, above the city. He floated right to the city limit, where the exit of Tartus and the city connected.

He slowly held up his hands as they began to bulk up in size. Suddenly, a light flashed above the city. Hawks heard the distant crash of a building. The crashes became louder and louder until everyone was threw back by an unexpected onslaught of stinging, bitter wind, whipping through the town and destroying buildings left and right.

There were yells as U.A began to crumble, the supports on the side of the building weakened by the attack. Cementoss ran over and used his quirk to re-stabilize the building.

Midoriya looked around in devastation. He knew Hawks had saved every civilian he could, but how could this be? The entire city, the arcade, the school, gone. There was only wreckage as far as the eye could see.

But then, something else came into Midoriya's line of vision. Something huge. Something heading right towards them.

Shigaraki and Hawks appeared at the battlefield. Hawks looked worn out, but he still had that determined look in his eyes.

"Buh-bye" Shigaraki pressed the pads of his fingers together and black goo spurted out of the student's mouths, enveloping them. Students disappeared one by one, until only Class 1A, Class 1B, and the Big Three were left. Shigaraki pressed his fingers together again and growled.

"That's this quirks limit. I stretched it as far as possible but without Kurogiri... You guys are stuck here."

Mina froze "STUCK HERE?! WE'RE GONNA HAVE TO FIGHT THAT GUY?!" She pointed towards the thing heading right towards the building.

"This is All for One we're talking about, we can't fight him! He's as strong as All Might!" Kendo yelled in a panic.

"You aren't fighting. Get out of here, find a safe place." Aizawa hissed.

Class 1B began to leave, but Class 1A didn't budge.

"Running away from danger isn't what a hero does. I face my problems head on, and BLOW THEM UP!" Bakugou growled.

"If you're staying, I am too! It's not manly to leave your friends behind." Kirishima grinned.

"Class 1A sticks together, no matter what!" Kaminari smiled. "Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind! If you're gonna fight him Mr. Aizawa, we will too."

Mr. Aizawa growled "No, you will not-"

Just then, the medium sized dot that was rumbling towards them jumped into the air.

"Run. RUN! WATCH OUT!" He yelled and the students began to step back, but before they could get a step in, Gigantomachia landed right on top of U.A, smashing the building. He threw his head back and roared before ripping through the building, easily destroying the restraints on it.

"Dad-" Shinsou started running towards Aizawa, who noticed, with horror, that he was holding his trembling younger sister in his arms. But before he could get there, the building began falling. A huge chunk of cement fell in front of Shinsou, blocking his path.

"SHINSOU!" Present Mic screamed, his shockwaves breaking through the cement that was falling above Shinsou.

Bakugou, Shoto, Mic, and Nejire all began destroying the falling debris, aiming their quirks to the sky, Bakugou blew up huge portions of the building, reducing them to pebbles. Shoto let his fire rip, Mic yelled, his shockwaves destroying rocks, and Nejire let loose huge blasts, saving students left and right. 

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