Villains vs. Heroes War Arc (Part Two)

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"Gigantomachia. I need you. Create as much noise as possible, and wreak havoc on Mustafu, Japan."

A man woke abruptly, howling in excitement. He heard his Master, his wonderful Master. The person who gave him a reason for living and allowed him to become who he is today. His howling increased until he was roaring in happiness. But this time, his roars shook the mountains and his hands and feet left craters in the landscape. He threw his head back and howled, the wild savage sound echoing through the city. 

Hawks turned around from his place in the sky and saw the giant rise from the mountains making his horrid sound. He quickly dialed a number and put the phone up to his ear.

"Mt Lady? We have a giant problem." Hawks voice sounded small to himself.

· · ·

The giant roared and ran through the mountains excitedly. He wasn't moving slowly like giants do in the movies, no. He was a whirlwind of power. The city didn't stand a chance. The heroes knew this, which is why Hawks was using every bit of his power, feathers, telekinesis and all, to grab citizens as he flew through the streets, putting them in cars and buses and evacuating them as fast as possible. Nobody protested, as they could see something on Hawks's face that they had never seen before. Fear.

Hawks zoomed through the streets, sensing every single citizen and floating them above the ground so he was able to go faster without worry. When he moved down the streets the floating citizens followed after him, the more people he got, the slower they floated after him.

'I'm not going to let anyone else die.'  Hawks thought desperately 'I can't. Not anymore.'

It took twenty minutes for Hawks to collect every stray person in the north and east part of the city, when his wings gave out from tiredness.

"Hawks, are you okay?" A reporter called, as the hero landed on a building, panting. He looked up, gave the camera a thumbs up, before jumping off the building and continuing to gather people on foot, still able to go at blindingly fast speeds without his wings. He relied on his senses, and his telekinesis to grab people.

· · ·

Meanwhile, Gigantomachia stormed through the mountains, destroying the region with his brute strength. Mt. Lady, Kurogiri, and Thirteen warped to the front of the city.

"Our mission is to at least hold him off. I'm not sure if we can stop him." Thirteen yelled. 

Mt. Lady grew in size, until she was as big as Gigantomachia. Gigantomachia roared in irritation.

"You fly, stop getting in my way!" He boomed, before picking up Mt. Lady and attempting to throw her away from him. Kurogiri opened a portal and warped the giant Mt. Lady behind Gigantomachia, giving her the advantage to grab him from behind, by his jaw and yank him back from the city. He roared in anger as he and Mt. Lady both fell, creating craters in the Earth. She grabbed him in a headlock, keeping the struggling man down as Hawks drew the people to safety from across the city. Gigantomachia reached up to his neck.

"Pesky fly." He growled, before squeezing her arm until there was a loud snap. Mt. Lady howled in pain as Gigantomachia picked her up and threw her off him, her broken arm throbbing in pain. Mt. Lady got back up, wincing. She picked up Thirteen with her good hand, and held them out so they could have a good aim. They opened their capsule and activated their vacuum at full power, pulling Gigantomachia back a bit.

Thirteen's black hole began increasing in power enough that Gigantomachia's hand was pulled into it, the giant howling in irritation as he grabbed his shoulder and ripped off his own arm, being forced to amputate it before he was fully pulled into the black hole. Blood splattered across the crater-filled mountain as Thirteen's black hole sucked in his arm, reducing it to dust. Gigantomachia bolted into the city as fast as he could, avoiding Kurogiri's portals, and bringing his fist down on the warp gate user, forcing him to teleport himself to Thirteen to get out of danger. The giant's arm began to regrow, the muscles and tendons peeking out as his arm reformed itself. Gigantomachia howled, with tears in his eyes.

"HOW DARE YOU BETRAY MASTER SHIGARAKI! MASTER MADE YOU AND YOU BETRAY HIM YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT! YOU WERE LUCKY TO BE ABLE TO BE NEAR MASTER'S CHILD AND NOW LOOK AT WHAT YOU ARE DOING! BETRAYING MASTER IS NEVER IN YOUR CODE! DIE YOU STUPID NOMU DIE!" Gigantomachia screamed and he grabbed the top of a building and ripped off half of the building with ease, before throwing it at Kurogiri, Thirteen, and Mt. Lady. Kurogiri opened a warp gate, allowing the building to go straight through and appear above Gigantomachia, before dealing a blow straight to the giant's head. He stumbled and then growled.

"Take care of them Gigantomachia, and then come. Teach the ungrateful Nomu a lesson."

Gigantomachia threw his head back and roared, before galloping towards the group. Thirteen stepped in front of Kurogiri and opened their black hole again, making the giant fly towards them at unmeasurable speed. Before Gigantomachia could get sucked into the portal, he used his foot to boost him out of the black hole's grip for a crucial attack. He flew up in the air, above Mt. Lady and grabbed Kurogiri between his pointer and index finger before punching Mt. Lady in the back causing her to go flying back into the city, dropping Thirteen in the wreckage along the way. She had shrunken out of sight.

"Bad Nomu, get taught lesson." Gigantomachia laughed before crushing Kurogiri between his index and middle fingers and throwing him away. The mist user was unconscious as he plummeted towards the ground. Thirteen broke out in a sprint, managing to catch Kurogiri at the last moment.

There was a bloody hole in his arm, his side, and half of his face was horribly scarred and bleeding, his suit was ripped and tattered. His mist deactivated until you could see his face. His eyes were big  ocean blue and you could see a scar across the bridge of his nose. Wisps of yellow shone around his eyes. Kurogiri's breathing became shallow, he was gasping for air. Thirteen took off their hood, revealing a mist-like head with what looked like stars as freckles dotted all over their face.

"Hold on Kurogiri, I got you! You're gonna be fine." Thirteen's voice was trembling as they pulled out a first aid kit from their suit and started wrapping his injuries, quickly and professionally.

Kurogiri shook in silent agony as Thirteen began wrapping him up, putting their helmet on Kurogiri to help with breathing problems. When they were done, Kurogiri was unconscious. 

· · ·

Luna Lovegood: Kurogiri is down. His arm, side, and half his face is severely damaged. Requesting backup, Mt. Lady might be down too, I can't tell yet. The giant is coming your way.

· · ·

Mr. Compress saw the message and froze, re-reading it over and over. He turned from where he was, and bolted. Nezu saw him.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to help my darling." He yelled over his shoulder before taking off, straight out of UA, across town.

· · ·

Nezu: Mr. Compress is on his way there.

· · ·

Hawks was tired. Extremely tired. But in a record of one hour, he had gathered every single civilian in the city of Mustafu, Japan with his quirk. The weight of carrying more than 400,000 people with his quirk was getting to him. He could feel an extreme headache coming on. After all, last time he was tested, his limit was 299,876 people.

Shigaraki walked up to the hero and looked up at all the people he managed to snag. "Good job hero."

Hawks gave him a small smile before separating the civilians into groups. He tried his best to make sure he didn't separate any families.

Shigaraki put his fingertips together and used the quirk All for One gave him, Warp to teleport all the people to the emergency stadiums Nezu had opened, and the heroes and doctors were stationed there.

The stadiums was suddenly filled with people who were teleported there by some kind of black sludge coming from their mouths. They all were unharmed and untouched. The civilians of the city are safe.

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