Family Dinner: Part 2

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It was 5 o'clock in the afternoon when Endeavor was making a public appearance. But instead of being alone, Rei was by his side. He wanted to prove that he was still capable of being kind, which made him go back to the hospital and retrieve Rei, who very rudely let him know he wasn't wanted. He still had control over her though, which is how he managed to get her out the hospital. She was smiling, she had gotten really good at putting on a mask. Nobody but her family could tell it was fake. Photographs were being taken of the pair as they walked, arm in arm down the street.

"Endeavor, Endeavor, why did Hawks attack you?"

"I believe he acted out of anger and jealousy. I forgive him though, being a hero is stressful to us all."

"What did he mean when he said 'Try being a good person before you try to make up for what you have done'?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out, along with what caused this change. Hawks is a child, young enough to be easily swayed by his emotions. I believe part of this change might be the fact that I have forbidden him from talking with my family, because I'm concerned for their safety. After all, Hawks is the son of a villain and must have gotten some bad genes."

 "What do you mean son of a villain?" A reporter asked.

"I have come to the conclusion that Hawks is really Keigo Takami, a poor child who lived with an alcoholic mother. This means his father is the one and only Great Thief, Hunter Takami. He must get his feral state from his father."

"Endeavor, with all due respect, was this information really yours to share? We appreciate the tip but isn't there a reason Hawks never mentioned this one piece of information? Having an alcoholic parent isn't a good experience and you might just be reopening mental scars. If his father was in jail, that must've hurt him too."  Another reporter went quietly

Rei silently nodded her agreement. Endeavor looked at the reporter.

"I'm just saying, Hawks might have gotten a feral quirk like his fathers. Hunter Takami is a dangerous individual and there's a reason for that."

"Enji, Hawks is a great hero in my opinion. Giving out information about Hawks's past, which could possibly be mentally scarring is not the way you should handle this situation." Rei went softly. Enji looked to her with his scathing glare and Rei paused. And just in that moment, Dabi showed up.

The reporters and crowd yelled in fear as Dabi sauntered through the crowd. He stopped right in front of Endeavor and Rei. He held his hand out to Rei. 

"Need rescuing?"

And too everyone's surprise, she laughed and walked away from Enji, taking Dabi's hand. "No shit sherlock."

Enji's flames rose and Dabi snickered as they walked away. "Ooh, he angry."

"Why are you walking away with that villain! He might hurt you!" A bystander yelled and muttering of agreement went through the crowd.

Dabi shrugged "I may be a villain but I'd never hurt my mother."

"Aw, I love you too." Rei ruffled his hair and Dabi gave a real, soft genuine smile.

The reporters were shocked into silence. Dabi whispered something to Rei and handed her a piece of paper. She nodded and he let go off her. Suddenly, a purple portal opened. Rei went through it but before Dabi could take another step, he was cut off by a fireball. He groaned and turned around, facing a very pissed Endeavor. The portal closed behind.

"What are you doing with my wife?"

"Since when have you cared?" Dabi shot back.

Endeavor growled "Listen here Dabi, you are no longer part of the Todoroki family. We are not villains here. You will give Rei back, and surrender silently to the authorities."

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