Villains vs Heroes War Arc (Part Four)

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Hawks sat quietly on the stool he was given, not willing to move an inch. Kyudai had taken him to an underground laboratory and led him to this big empty white room with three stools in it. Hawks didn't know how or why he was brought here, but he hated being underground with passion.

Kyudai seemed to notice this. "Don't worry, I'll let you free in a bit."

"If you're going to let me free, why bring me here in the first place?"

"Because I wanted to meet you, at least once."

"But why would you want to meet me?" Hawks stressed, his wings fluffing up in agitation.

"Have you ever heard of Lila Garaki? The famous actress?"

Hawks nodded slowly "Yeah, I have. She starred in a few movies, and was famous for her sense of fashion, which was kicks and fun patterned jackets. She was nicknamed 'angel'  because of her quirk."

"I married her a long, long time ago. She was the greatest woman I'd ever met." Garaki smiled sorrowfully. "You're a lot like her, y'know. The sense of style is similar."


"After she left, I threw myself into my work. My work became the only thing I focused on. When my work was denied, no matter how true my 'crazy theories'  were, that's when I turned to villainy. But my greatest regret, is not paying more attention to the people who needed me the most. I had a son."

"A son?"

"Mhm. He was the most energetic little thing I'd ever seen when he was passionate about something. He loved shiny things more than anything. I showered him in gifts and trinkets but I never paid real attention to him. He grew up alone. He never learned how to sort right from wrong. So when he ran away, he never looked back. I don't blame him. He went, and he started his own criminal empire to try and get my attention. After a few drug busts, his empire crumbled and he ran away again and started a family."

"That's nice..." Hawks mumbled, relaxing a bit. The doctor seemed in no rush to kill him.

"He was a strong man. Had the same quirk as that Overhaul guy, but he could levitate stuff too. He once managed to stab All Might 7 times and escape unharmed on live TV."

Hawks froze. 'My father, the Great Thief Takami is the only person who did that. Does he mean-?'

"Yes, my son is the Great Thief Takami. And you are my grandson, Keigo."

Hawks was frozen to the spot. "Grandson? I have a Grandpa? Why is everybody related to me either abusive or a villain?"


"..." He stayed silent. 

Kyudai decided to drop it for now. "If you don't feel comfortable telling me, it's okay."

Hawks just nodded slowly. He hated it. Being trapped inside a room, unable to escape. He couldn't escape, he was vulnerable, heroes aren't supposed to be weak, heroes aren't supposed to be pathetic, stop it-

"Hey." Kyudai snapped Hawks out his thoughts. "It's fine. The exit is that way okay?"

He pointed to the door. 

"You're letting me free?"

"Mhm. It's fine. I just wanted to meet you personally at least once." 

Hawks got up to leave, but he turned back to Kyudai.

"Maybe you could come with me. I haven't been the best son either, I completely cut off from my father even after I remembered he was my father. I'd like to find out more about my family."

"Maybe one day."

· · ·

Gigantomachia was not heartbroken over his master. After all, his master was sneaky. Master had a backup plan. Master was alive, and ready to make a comeback.

After all, you have to sacrifice a few pawns to win a game.

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