The truth about me

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Hey hey my first one shot!
This was actually an alternate scene to one of my fics that I didn't end up using so that's why it's a bit different to how the scene actually went down.



Janis was shaking, it just wasn't from the cold. Her blood was boiling and filling her ears with a rushing sound that almost distracted her from what Cady had just said. Almost.

"It's not my fault you're like in love with me or something!" The once sweet and kind now cold, hard, shiny plastic had cried, her arms crossed and her face angry.

The world stoped, or the Jazzy did, because the next thing Janis new Damian was stood next to her with a absolutely furious expression, "Oh no she did not!" He ground out and Cadys expression changed from one of anger to fear. She had never seen Damian angry, or been on the tail end of his anger so this was unlucky.

Janis stepped forward, her head pounding and her heart trying to leap up out her mouth, "Why on earth, or any realm for that matter, would I be in love with you, of all people!?" She asked in a much calmer voice then she actually was feeling, "Any good feelings I had for you are gone Cady. Long gone. They left the moment you opened your mouth and threw my sexuality in my face like a plastic!"

"This is your fault!" Cady yelled, throwing her arms about her in a disorderly manner.

"What? How?" That was Damian, he had jumped in before Janis could ask and she wasn't complaining.

"You two made me do it! I didn't want to spy on Regina George but if I didn't I though you wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore!"

Janis huffed a highly sarcastic laugh and pulled a face, "You think that's what friendship is? You really think I wouldn't have been your friend if you said no?" She put a hand to her forehead laughing again, "Jesus Cady for a math genius you're pretty stupid most of the time! I wouldn't have cared if you'd said no! You're my friend and in life my friends always come first. Or, at least they did. Because every time I put a female friend first, they become like you and Regina. Mean. And I am done with it."

"I am not like Regina!" Cady cried her temper flaring almost as much as Janis's had, "You're just upset that I missed you're stupid art show!" As soon as the words left her mouth the regret formed but Janis didn't care.

"You know what Cady?" She screamed throwing her painting at the plastic in a rage, "Screw you!" She didn't stop talking when Damian tried to pull her away or when she started sobbing uncontrollably, "You wanna know why I came here tonight? I wanted to ask you why you had skipped out on us like that, because me and Damian though we were your friends and we though you cared! Funnily enough that's what friends do, they care. But you, you don't care and you are not my friend, you haven't been for a long time." She sniffed and clutched at Damians shirt hoping to ground herself just a little, "If you didn't want to be my friend, You should have just said. Because I am sick and tired of people like you playing around with my emotions till it breaks me. I am sick and tired of having one person in the world I know cares about me," she pointed angrily at Damian, "And I am sick and tired of you Cady. I'm out. Have fun with your new friends, don't come crying to me when they stab you in the back."

"Like you did? You act like this is so hard but I had a choice in none of this. You forced me to pretend!"

"But you're not pretending anymore! I know what fakeing looks like and I know what a Mean girl looks like. I'm sorry Cady but you are not a faker, not anymore." Janis put her hand up to stop Cady from speaking, "And in regards to this being my fault, yeah maybe it is, but you could have said no. And then who knows, we might still be friends."

Damian took her hand, leading her back to the Jazzy and pressing a kiss to her forehead, "You did good sweets. I'm so proud of you, but I've not said my bit yet."

"Damian we have a curfue!"

"I don't care, she's not going to get away with this."

"Damian I-" Cady began.

"No you don't get the privilege of speaking to me anymore." Damian yelled, his once cool persona completely gone, "You lying to us about being out of town Is a low blow but using Jans sexuality as a weapon that's just made you worse then Regina George as far as I can tell. You are right, it is her fault and it is my fault. But we saw you changing and tried to help you and this is how you repay us, so fuck you Cady because as much as all this could have been avoided, you are still the villain in this story. I don't want you near Janis ever again, if you so much as look her way I will break you. Wanna know why? Because that sobbing girl right there is my best friend, and I love her more than the waking world, I will always chose her. Looks like you lucked out because now the two people who truly cared about you are gone. Have fun with that."

Leaving a gaping Cady behind him Damian marched over to Janis and took her in his arms, hugging her tightly as she cried, "Come on sweets let's go home." He murmmered, kissing the top of her head and guiding her towards the Jazzy.

Janis sniffed in a much less delicate way than other girls her age and wrapped her arms round his neck once he was sat, resting her head atop his, "This always happens." She whispered, "And I always see it coming but just think I'm being stupid."

Damian rubbed one of her arms comfortingly, "Honey you are not stupid. Cady is the stupid one because she doesn't realise what she just lost. I know this hurts but it's important to me that you know I'm not going anywhere, that I won't pull a situation like this on you. People like that are not people you need in your life."

There was a hum from the girl behind him, "I know. I only need you Damian. I only want you. I love you."

"And I love you too. Probably more than you love yourself and that will always be the case. Don't let this upset you too much Jan. Sure you can cry but she doesn't deserve your tears. Save them for the really important people."

"Like you?"

"If you want, but I don't ever plan on giving you a reason to cry over me."

Janis huffed and buried her face in his hair, "I really hate this." She mumbled.

"I know you do love. But it will get better and easier with time. I promise." He waited a moment before speaking again, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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