Trapped in a Microwave

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Chapa POV
BEEP. BEEP. The doorbell rang.

"Looks like someone's-" I said before being cut off.

"EMERGENCY!" Mika yelled as she stood up.

"-Looks like someone's outside."

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Now someone's in danger.

"Oh Chapa, go check the door." Ray said.

"Does nobody know the difference between the crime alert and the doorbell?" I asked. Everyone says no. I checked the emergency hotline.

"Captain man hotline, this is Volt how may we be at your service." I said into the phone.

"Uh.. this is sushi gushi? Someone came in here and stole all our fish and trapped us in a giant microwave!" The guy said.

"Did you just say you have a giant microwave?"




"Right," I hung up.

"So? Where we heading?" Mika asked.

"Looks like we got to save, some people from a microwave." I replied.

"Weird, but great rhyme." she complimented.

"Thanks!" I replied. "I didn't even mean for it to happen."

"Wait, how do people even fit in microwaves?"

"They don't. It's a giant microwave."

Mika POV
After around 30 minutes of murmuring about giant microwaves, we finally made it down to sushi gushi. Well, we helicoptered on top of sushi gushi. Ray wanted to use the helicopter, so we did. It was so unsanitary. We were going to go in through the air conditioning vent, but the villain climbed onto the roof. Also the sushi gushi was on the 3rd floor of a 6 floor building, oddly. Not surprisingly, Jeff was the one who left them in the microwave.

"Oh hey, Captain Man, can you help me up?" Jeff said.

"No Jeff, I cannot help you off the roof." Captain Man replied. He punched Jeff in the face. "I can't help you get that punch off your face either."

Jeff seemed to get a little bit dizzy after being punched in the face. Which is why instead of hitting Ray, he spun around and hit Bose. Off of the roof.

"Uh, Bose was knocked off the roof." I said. "Let's just leave him."

A/N: Is it just me or does Bose seem to die quicker and quicker as I keep writing these scenarios. Well the point of this book IS, Bose. Dies. So technically I'm not doing anything wrong. Except killing Bose in every chapter does seem wrong. But the book is called Bose. Dies. So of course Bose is going to die- ENOUGH OF THIS AUTHOR'S NOTE. Next week Bose is turning into a potato-
Word count: 420

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