Fight for Love

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A/N: Welp. This is an interesting chapter. Good luck.
Bose POV
"WHAT." We both yelled. There was no way I was fighting her.

"You think I'd FIGHT Bose?" Mika yelled.

"Yeah why are we even FIGHTING each other." I asked.

"I don't know," Ray replied. "The news wants good content."

"That doesn't make sense." Mika said.

"Not my problem." Ray said. "Good luck tomorrow!"


"What.. WHAT." he replied.

"We're fighting." I said. "TOMORROW?!"

"Yup!" he said. "Good luck!" Ray left the room.

"Well well well," Mika told me. "May the best Mika win." I looked at her in confusion.

"You mean may the best Bose win." I told her.

"Nah," she said. "meant to say Mika."

Chapa POV
I stayed in my chair the whole time. I waited for Mika to leave before making my move. Not on Bose though. Or Mika. Although-

"So." I said. "On your grave what do you want your quote to be."

"What?" Bose asked.

"I'm just saying," I said. "if you don't sharpen up your skills for tomorrow, Mika's going to destroy you."

"Do you want me to get destroyed?"

"Yes. I'm not letting you take her from me."

A/N: Yeah I'm putting Chamika in this one. I got bored so I went for it. And because this is an LGBTQ+ ship- Ima not give em labels because that's complicated.

"Wait what?"

"Eh, just go home. Wake up. Get over here. Loose. So I can enjoy Mika all for myself."

"There is something wrong with you."

"Didn't think you'd pick up on that. Well, good night.."

"Well that was weird."

Mika POV
8:37 A.M. Time check: 11 hours and 23 minutes. My heart was beating fast. The fight. Starts now. Later. KNOCK KNOCK.

"AH." I said. "Chapa? It's like 8 in the morning!"

"Just wanted to give you some encouragement before the big fight tonight," she said.

"Me?" I asked. "I thought you said you liked Bose,"

"No.. I said I DIDN'T like Bose."

"Wait.. does that mean.." Suddenly I was up against the wall. Chapa was moving closer in towards me. Until our lips met. We pulled away not knowing what to say.

"We should get to class." she said.

7:58 P.M. Time check: 2 minutes. I had roughly 8 hours til the big fight. It wasn't big at all. The entire day I had been avoiding Chapa based on what had happened that morning.

We were at the beating dungeon for the fight, and right before, the news team ran in.

"Hello Swellview!" Trent said. "And welcome to the big fight here on KLVY! Here we have Brainstorm, how do you feel Brainstorm."


"Uh, okay." he said. "And going up against Brainstorm, how do you feel Shoutout."

"I KISSED SOMEONE THIS MORNING. I FEEL GREAT." I yelled. Someone probably knows why I said that, just not me. And just like that the fight begun.

Chapa POV
After the fight, Trent walked up to me for an interview.

"Hey, I recognize you! You're Lula Elena Chapa Da Silva!" Trent said. " The girl who kissed Brainstorm after being saved by him!" I walked towards the microphone.

"So what I'm no longer known as 'the girl who's phone was stolen by a boy?'" I asked. "I'm now known as 'the girl who kissed a superhero?' after an event that DIDN'T HAPPEN."

"Well, your boyfriend confirmed it to be true."


"Anyway, how was the fight?"

"THANK YOU FOR CHANGING THE SUBJECT. Also the fight was horrifying. We're standing on Brainstorm's body. Why."

"I just followed you. I don't know why we're standing on him."


A/N: So I didn't post this chapter for the sake of me posting a chapter, I came here to rant. I wrote this chapter like, 2 weeks ago. Just copy and paste. Now for the rant.

I swear if you don't ship Bapa I don't know what's going through your head

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I swear if you don't ship Bapa I don't know what's going through your head. K I'm done ranting. Continue sleeping or whatever-

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