Two for One Deal

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Chapa POV
"So." I said. "We're here."

"People get trapped in the weirdest places." Miles said. "I mean, this is an abandoned house."

"Maybe it's haunted." I said. I scared him already.

"Yeah let's just go in and save Mika and Bose before they run out of oxygen and die." I started walking in.

"I swear the weirdest things happen to people."

Mika POV
I banged on the wall.

"Bose, come help me open this wall." I asked.

"Why can't you knock it over with your scream?" he asked.

"We're not in uniform."


"So, we need a new plan."

"Plan? For what? To make sure the room doesn't get smaller?"

"Wait, what?" Bose was right. For once. The walls were starting to close in. "Yeah sure. To make sure the room doesn't get smaller and not a plan to get out of here. But that too. Help me hold back the walls.

Miles POV
Chapa and I ran through the haunted house as quickly as we could to avoid being frightened. However we DID get scared. TERRIFIED. There were spiders, fake blood, and cobwebs that we got stuck in. We couldn't get out.

"UGH." Chapa yelled. "ANOTHER COBWEB. Miles help me out of here," I heard a scream from another room.

"Uh, can't do that." I replied.

"Why not?"

"I heard a little scream from this wall. It has to be Mika and Bose."

"Shut up Miles, walls can't scream."


"So. How are we going to get them out." she said. "Right. We can't. I'm trapped against a cobweb."

Bose POV
"THE WALLS ARE STILL CLOSING IN." I yelled. "WHY ARE WE EVEN HOLDING THEM BACK IF WE KNOW THAT THE WALLS ARE STRONGER THAN US." The walls kept closing in. And we were both crushed. Literally.

Chapa POV
"STILL STUCK IN A COBWEB HERE." I yelled. Miles had his ear against the wall. He filled with shock. He started running away.

"HEY." I screamed.

"Yes?" He replied. I flung my hands up. "Oh yeah sorry." He untied me from the cobwebs.

"So, why'd you jump." I asked.

"I think Bose and Mika are in trouble."


"Let's just say, wall."

"That's bad."

Miles POV
Chapa and I looked around the haunted house and we found a control panel.

"Do you think this'll work?" Chapa asked.

"Yeah I think it'll let us in," I said. I pressed the red button that said, "trigger closing walls."

"You think it worked?"

"The button said, 'trigger closing walls.'"

"Fair point."

We headed back to the room we were in before and found the door to the room Mika and Bose were in. And wow.

"So." Chapa said.

"They died." I replied.

"Bose is dead." she stated.

"My sister. Died." I said. Not even disappointingly.

"And I think she kissed Bose." she said.

"Wait first of all, what."

"I don't know."


"You were pressing the button and I decided to check the cameras."

"Let me get this right. My sister, and Bose just got crushed by a moving wall."


"Wanna get pizza?"


"K let's go!"

A/N: Lol I feel like these chapters are starting to suck- but like- cheese. DE KAAS. IS LEKKER. Lol but Bose is going to choke and die tonight. Be ready.
Word count: 559

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