July 1973 - entry no. 6

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Everybody besides Frankie seemed to be in high spirits on the journey to the San Jose Civic Center. The feud between Harry and Rod seemed to be an anecdote, something they could joke about during the long drive. Frankie watches from the back of the bus, a permanent scowl on her face, completely confused at the last ten hours of her life.

She was confused by the almost kiss, for starters. It wasn't that she didn't want to kiss Harry, because of course she wanted to. But when his mouth was inching closer towards hers and his irises were so wide all she could see was mossy green, the only thing running through her mind were Lester's warnings.

"Don't get lost in the madness of it all. They're gonna eat you alive if they know that you're a fan. They're gonna want to be your friend, lure you into their world. Stand your ground. The second they hear you write for Rolling Stone they're gonna shit their pants. Don't let us down."

So she panicked. And when Frankie saw the frown on his face, she could feel her heart fall towards her feet inside her body. Frankie was never the type of girl that boys chased after, especially boys that have the world at their fingertips with blonde/auburn/black haired beauties throwing themselves at him. What would Harry want with a freckled-face eighteen year old high school graduate who had little to no experience with the opposite sex? It would be utterly laughable for the two of them to end up together.

But she would be lying if she hadn't been kicking herself the entire journey to San Jose, regretting ever pulling away from him.

"Why are you so pouty?" Cherry asks from beside her. She opted to sit with Frankie mainly because Rod and Harry were rekindling their friendship with inside jokes and bottles of beer, and Frankie wasn't all that mad that she was a second option.

"I'm not," Frankie lies, sinking her head against the cool window. She needed her brain to stop replaying this morning's events over and over whenever her eyelids closed.

Cherry just hums beside her, knowing fully well that Frankie is lying. "I'm assuming it has something to do with Harry. He's been looking at you like a lost puppy ever since we turned onto the freeway hours ago."

Frankie ignores her friend the same way she's been ignoring the warm heat of Harry's gaze from the front of the bus.

She needs the silence to remember why she was even here in the first place. But there's no denying that she's so close to losing the point in the first place—feet dangling at the edge of the mountain, practically about to freefall below.


The San Jose show was the best one Frankie had seen yet, even better than the first night at The Troubadour three weeks earlier. The energy radiating from the stage was tangible, a thrumming of excitement Frankie could feel from the tips of her toes all the way up to the roots of her light brown hair. If she reached out to touch the handle of the steel door leading to the green room, she was convinced she would feel a zap of electricity from what The Nocturnals left out on the stage.

Harry was the best she had seen him yet. His voice was unmatchable, a perfect concoction of rasp and grit with a beautiful falsetto. Frankie was in awe, to be fair. Normally she takes turns watching each member of the band, but tonight, her blue eyes refused to move from his body.

Harry could feel her gaze. With Frankie's eyes locked on him, he knew that he had to put on the best show of his life. He made sure to interact with the crowd, singing in a different octave so he could hear the gasps from the audience, leaning against Rod and Eddie with his head thrown back, shaking his hips to the pounding of Jett's kick drum. Frankie's hot gaze on Harry gave him a newfound sense of confidence, and it was palpable throughout the entire arena.

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