Stay Tuned For That (Wait For It)

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Theodosia writes to me every day

Keep bed warm while husband is away

He is on the British side of Georgia

He's trying to suppress the colony

But it can keep all Georgia

Theodosia, she's mine

Love does not discriminate

Between sinners

And saint

Don Don Don don

We love it anyway

Laugh and cry

And we are breaking

And we make a mistake

And for some reason, I'm on her side

When many people try

Then i'm ready to wait for it

I am ready to wait for it


My grandfather was a fire and sulfur preacher


Hymns and hymns don't tell you

Mother is a genius

My father aroused respect

They left no instructions when they died

Only the heritage to protect


Preacher, preacher


Teach, teach, teach

Respect, respect




Death does not discriminate

Between sinners

And saint

Don Don Don don

Live anyway

Get up and fall

And we are breaking

And we make a mistake

And if there's a reason I'm still alive

When everyone who loves me dies

I am ready to wait for it

I am ready to wait for it

Wait for it


Wait for it

Wait for it

Wait for it


I'm the only one I can control


Wait for it

Wait for it

Wait for it

Wait for it


I am unique

I am original


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