Dream (Take a Break)

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Un deux trois quatre

Cinq 6 Sept Witt Neuf.

good! Un deux trois quatre

Cinq 6 Sept Witt Neuf.

September huit neuf—

September huit neuf—


Un deux trois quatre

Cinq 6 Sept Witt Neuf.

Un deux trois quatre

Cinq 6 Sept Witt Neuf.

September huit neuf—

September huit neuf—

[Eliza and Philip]

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9!


My beloved Angelico,

"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow

Creep at this slow pace every day.''

I believe you can understand the reference

Another Scottish tragedy where you don't have to name the play.

They think I'm Macbeth and my ambition is my stupidity

I'm a polymer, pain in the buttocks, great pain

Madison is Bankow, MacDuff Jefferson

Burnham Wood is a parliament on the way to Dunsinan.


And you are the sea over there.

Do I need to live abroad?

Your thoughts fall

Then I will receive another letter

I can't dismiss this concept...


Take a rest.


On the way.


A little surprise before dinner

And I can't wait.


I will arrive soon. Please save the plate.




Good good


Your son is 9 years old today.

I want to say something

He exercises all day long.

Philip, take it away...


Daddy, daddy, look-

My name is Philip.

I am a poet.

I wrote this poem

Show it.

I'm just nine years old.

Can write rhymes

But you can't write mine.

I practice french

I play the piano with my mother.

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