Get Away From Us (Blow Us All Away)

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Meet the newest alumni of Kings College!

I shouldn't brag but I'm surprised, I'm surprised and amazing!

Scientists say I have the same feat and brains as my Dad!

Women say the similarities don't stop with my brain!

I'm 19, but my heart is old.

You must be your own man, like your father, but more courageous.

I am proud of his legacy

I have often heard him say

One day

I would-


Please blow it away.


Lord, I'm looking for George Ecker.

Last week on July 4, I gave a speech as a speaker.

He looked down on my father's heritage in front of the crowd.

I can not do that. I am proud of my father


Saw Broadway a few blocks away.

He went to watch the show.


Well, I'm going to his box.


God, you are a fox.


And you all look pretty good on your dress.

How will we all get the socks when I come back?




Blow It Out!








See! I'm trying to watch the show!


I should have seen my mouth in front of me

But I was talking about my dad!


He said nothing that was untrue.

Your father is a villain, so you are just like you.


Oh oh oh oh!


Is it so?


Oh, I'm not flirting.

I'm not your friend from elementary school.


See you in the duel.

I mean, if I don't want to go out and out right now


I know where to find you, get angry.

I'm just watching this show.


Dad, if only you could hear that shit you said about him

I was wondering if I couldn't move it




I came for advice. This is my first match.

In boarding schools, they do not cover exactly this topic.


Have your friends tried to negotiate peace?


He refused to apologize, we had to stop the peace talks.


Where is it happening?


Across the river in Jersey.

[Hamilton / Philippe]

Everything is legal in New Jersey ...


It's okay here's what you're trying to do:

Stand like a man until Eacker appears in front of you.

When the time is right, shoot your gun into the air.

It will put an end to all events.


But what if he chooses to shoot? Then I am alone.


No. If he is truly an honorable person, he will emulate it.

It's something you can't get rid of to kill someone's life.

Phillip, your mother can't fall in love with you anymore.




Promise me. You don't want this

Youthful blood on your conscience.


Well I promise.


I'll be home when I'm finished.

Take a gun with you. To be smart. I am proud to be my son.


My name is philip

I am a poet

I'm a bit nervous, but I can't show it.

Sorry, I'm a proud Hamilton.

You're talking about my dad, I can't sneak out.

Mr. Ecker! What was the rest of the program like?


You should skip the joke.

let's go.

Grab the gun.


Please talk to your subordinates.

After counting to 10, the duel begins.


Count to 10!


Look and aim no further.

Summon all the courage you need.

Then slowly and clearly aim your gun at the sky.

[Men's team]

1 2 3 4

[Complete team]

5 6 7

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