What am I missing? (What'd I Miss)

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17. Seven Seventeen...

7-17 ...



Like an orphan

Immigrants decorated with war veterans

How to unite the colony with more debt?

Will he fight the fathers of other founders until he needs to lose?

You have it all, you will lose it all

Are you more ready

Treasury Secretary. President of Washington

All American experiments set a precedent.

Not so early. Someone has come to resist him.

I offended him until we were a two-party system.

You haven't seen him yet, you had no chance

I was kicked off as a French ambassador

But someone has to keep his American promise.

You just need to meet Thomas. Thomas!


Thomas Jefferson is back!

Thomas Jefferson is back!

Thomas Jefferson is back!

Thomas Jefferson is back!

Thomas Jefferson is returning mainly

I am staying in Paris for a long time!




France followed the revolution,

This is no longer the case.

But the sun rises and the world keeps spinning.




Helped Lafayette make a declaration

Then I said

I must be in Monticello. "I'm working now

The house begins...




So what did I miss?

What was missing?

Virginia, my home, sweet home, I want to kiss you.

I met many different women in Paris...

I think I just missed the late 80's...

I have traveled the vast world and returned to this...




There is a letter from the president on my desk.

I haven't put the bag down yet.

Is Sally going to be a baby lamb?

It says the president gathers the cabinet

And I'm supposed to be Secretary of State, great!

And I have already been approved by the Senate...

I will go home and go to New York.


I'm going to New York!

I'm going to New York!


View the rolling field

I can't believe we are free.

Ready to fight

What are you waiting for



Believe that we are free



But who is waiting for me when I enter this place?

James Madison, a friend with a bright red face.


He grabbed my arm,

I answer,

"What's happening?"




Tomas, we are fighting for the soul of the country.

Can we get us out of the mess we have?




No other new Hamilton financial plan

From government control.

I fought only in the south.

Where were you




Uh... France.


I have to win


What was missing?

What was missing?

Let's head to the abyss of politics!

Today has the first ministerial meeting

I have something to say

I'm heading now

Let's go to the bottom of it...


what? what? What was missing?

Did I get home for this?

Head to the abyss!


On the way

What did I miss?

Ah ah!


Welcome back, Jefferson.


Jefferson? Alexander Hamilton.

[Washington and team]

Welcome back, Jefferson.


Jefferson, please go home

Sir, you live long in Paris!


So... what did I lose?

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