We Know

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Vice President.


Senator Bar.

What is this?


There is a check stub. From another account...


Almost a thousand dollars paid in various amounts...


Back to James Reynolds



Did you get it? finished?


You are uniquely positioned for your position


"Virtue" does not apply to this word,


Deviate from your sacred mission and seek financial gain-


And the evidence suggests what you are guessing...


Immigrants defrauding our government funds-


The headlines are almost visible, but your career is over.


I hope you have saved some money for your daughter and son.


Yes, it's best to run to your hometown.


Ha! You don't even know what you're asking me to confess.




You have nothing You don't have to say anything.





If you can prove that you are not breaking the law

Do you promise not to pass on what you see to another soul?


There was no one in the room where it happened.


Does that mean "yes"?




"Dear all, I hope this letter makes you healthy.

In a position sufficient to store wealth

Fortunately, it's in the pockets of people like me.

You see, my wife decided...




She took me.

She escorted me in bed and hugged me in the corner

That's when Reynolds forced me

At an evil fee.

I paid him quarterly.

May cause fatal injury to prospective customers

But my paper is fine!

As you can see, I wrote down all the checks in the box

history. Check the list again to check the integrity.

I've never used a penny that isn't mine

I sent the dog after my scent, okay.

Yes, there is an embarrassing reason

But I have not betrayed or defiled my name.

As you can see, I did nothing to sue.

Is my answer satisfying you?


my God.


Gentleman, let's go.



[Jefferson and Madison]

People don't know what we know.



How do you know you don't use this for me

Next time going from head to toe?


Alexander, rumors are only increasing. And both of you

I know what we know.

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