Chapter 43: Are You Going To Let Her?

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   After rushing out of the locker room, I quickly pulled my phone out and called Trent.

   "Y/N? What's wrong?"

   "Can you come and get me? I just... I don't want to be here anymore."

   "I'm turning around right now I'll be there in an few. Hang tight."

   "Thank you." I hung up the phone and sighed. I walked down the ramps that lead up to the gym and sat down along the pavement.

   Trent showed up within 5 minutes, and I quickly made my way to his car.

   "Thank you for getting me."

   "I said I would take you home, and I'm a man of my word. What's wrong?

"I don't really want to talk about it right now, but I'm sure you can guess."

"I really wish she would stop playing with you so much. It's so aggravating to see you get pulled around, and I really don't think it's fair that she is pushing and pulling. She is the one with all of the say in what happens, and she's taking taking advantage of it."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. He turned and gave me a weird look before putting his eyes back on the road. "That's basically what I just told her," I explained.

   He looked at me and shook his head.

   "She came up to me while I was in the locker room. I was just about to start changing, and she said she wanted to talk to me. I tried to respectfully tell her to leave me alone. She insisted that I was 'being ridiculous.' I might have gone off and stormed out."

   Trent looked completely taken back. Before he could respond, my phone went off.

I want to explain myself. Will you give me the chance?

   I put my phone down and sighed.

   "Why the sigh?" Trent asked.

   "She wants me to let her explain herself."

   "Are you going to let her?"

   "I'm really not sure. I'm so annoyed by the way she holds so much control over me. It's not just that, it's that I let her have so much control, and I let her push over my boundaries. I've let her get away with pushing and pulling me time and time again. I'm over letting her control me. I'll text her back later if I decided to. For now, we are going to go out and have a nice night, just us and Camila and Selena."

   He gently nudged my hand with his finger, his way of subtlety comforting me. "It's all up to you, but you're right. We should forget about her for the night and find something else to worry about, like how much you are willing to spend on cheesecake at this fancy restaurant we're going to."

   I laughed and shook my head. "I'm willing to pay a lot if it means getting her out of my head."

He laughed and took me home, promising to get me in a few more hours.

   I relaxed in bed before finally getting ready. I knew the place that we were going was going to be very nice, so I was going to put on makeup and dressed up. One good thing about having a mother that drags you to fancy events was that I never had to worry about not having a good enough dress.

   I slid on a long black dress and a pair of heels, not that you could see them from under the dress. I braided my hair back along the sides of my head into a loosely tied bun and applied light makeup.

 I braided my hair back along the sides of my head into a loosely tied bun and applied light makeup

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   Trent picked me up and let me know that they had decided we would meet Camila and Selena at the restaurant

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Trent picked me up and let me know that they had decided we would meet Camila and Selena at the restaurant.

We pulled up and got seated at a table in the far back, away from majority of the people.

We talked and made fun of each other while we ordered and waited for our food.

We quickly finished our food and ordered dessert before Camila said she needed to go to the bathroom. I agreed, and we stalked to the bathroom together.

On the way there, I heard a familiar laugh and quickly turned my head in the direction it came from.

I saw her first. She was in a beautiful dress with her hair in a high ponytail. Her smile was bright and her eyes were glowing. My smile made its way onto my face without me realizing. I wanted her to notice me, so I could wave at her.

Then I saw her reach across the table and grab his arm. She was there with Justin. My smile fell, and I felt stupid for being so excited to see her.

I sighed and continued walked alongside Camila. We made our way into the bathroom, and luckily it was empty. She went into a stall while I looked in the mirror and attempted to collect myself.

I was annoyed with myself for being able to throw everything that had happened today out the window just because I saw her smile and laugh. I was mad that I didn't think rationally when it came to her. I was overwhelmed that seeing her was able to so quickly affect me.

Camila came out and washed her hands before we headed back to the table. Everybody continued to laugh and eat, but I stayed quiet and finished my dessert.

Selena and Camila were too busy laughing to notice, but Trent grabbed my hand under the table.

He looked at me, and I shook my head in response.

I rested my head in my free hand and contemplated.

I wouldn't let her explain herself, and I would keep my distance. I needed to protect myself and not let her have so much power of me. I wasn't going to give her the chance to hurt me any more than she already had.

Throughout the rest of dinner I had one thought on my mind: I wish I could hate you.

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