Chapter 12

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-Jacob Perez

Chresanto is actually gone.

It's still taking time to properly sink in. I thought he'd be back now but he's really gone. It's been a good two months ever since he left and I thought we'd be back to square 1 but I guess not.

I'm not gonna lie, I miss him a lot sometimes but I think it wasn't meant to be. Besides I'm fine without him, maybe even better. Either way I'm still old isolated Perez.

"Jacob wait up!"

I turned back to see Cameron running up to me, I smiled towards her as she neared me.

"Hey Cam,"

I hugged her invitingly as, the soft scent of vanilla penetrated my sense of smell.

Her arms wrapped my around my body and gripped me tightly for the mere 4 seconds before she unclasped her hold on me, and took a step back.

"You wanna come over tonight? I've got something important to tell and show you!" She beamed.

Her body language. Legs crossed, head tilted leftward, fiddling with her fingers with the constant battering of the eyes and the slight smile was intriguingly suspicious and I wasn't buying it one bit.

"Sorry Cam, not today," I softly said.

Her face fell and her shoulders dropped as she pulled a face at me.

"Why not?!" She continuously whined, slightly irritating me.

I sighed, and secretly rolled my eyes at her constant cries. She's been acting a bit... odd? Yeah, odd. She's become more demanding in a way and maybe even a little flirtatious. I've caught on, but I'm surely not partaking in whatever she's conjuring.

"You know what? How about you come mines,"

She stood in a thinking state of mind before a big grin grew on her face.

"Okay, see ya later lovely," She cheered running off with the popular squad.

I observed her intently as she socialised with everyone. I noticed a change in behaviour, she seemed more, scandalous. She cat walked down the corridors as if she owned it. She greeted everyone she made eye contact with as if they were paparazzi. It brought a sense of distaste to my tongue.

See, the Cameron that I know is reserved, sensible, gentle, kind hearted and all that perfect stuff. The Cameron that I had just witnessed was a false decoy of the Cameron I know.

I chuckled at that thought, reminded me of Chresanto. He used to bop down the hallways as if he was king. Mean mugging dudes and sending winks and smirks to the girls that grieved his attention. I wasn't buying his stupid act I knew Chresanto was faking it, I saw his true colours, even if there were times his anger got the best of him.

I chuckled again, Chesanto and Cameron are just alike.

I shook the thought of them out of my head while strolling to my last lesson; English.

I sat down in my assigned seat and waited for class to start. I'd said hello to the few people I associated myself with but never engaged into a conversation.

I'd seen Ray roll into class laughing with Jashan. I still had a strong feeling of dislike towards Jashan and his little gang of fuckers, ever since that they tormented me about my sexuality.

Ray looked my way and made eye contact with me, I looked at him with sad eyes before focusing on the board.

I'm still upset about Ray. He could have done something to stop Jashan but he stood there and watched him cause me pain. Ray is- or was a good friend of mine, at least I thought.

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