Tres!! My babes:-(

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So no previously cuz it's just me introducing my hot OC's. Sorry for no chapter this time but maybe next time will have a chapter!

First of is Daniel Shozuki!!

He is the only Korean one in the group. He is half Korean half American and he speaks japanese.

Age= 17

Quirk= Angels Will

Info= Has Angel wings. Can make a type of shield bubble protecting what's inside and healing any injuries the person inside may have. He creates weapons and shields by thinking of the design. Has a bright light beam that comes from hands.

Drawbacks= He had headaches after using the light beam for too long. His wings stay for an hour even if he's done using them.

Likes= To skateboard with the gang. His group of friends. And izu. Listens to p!atd. Is a big emo summoning demons and stuff. Parlour along with music and art.

Dislikes= Bullies, anyone who disrespects the gang, spoiled brats, bakuhoe, and rats.

Personality= Is genuinely a nice dude. He is responsible and edgy! He is emo but has a good side but only with the big five AKA The Beasts. Has good parkour skills.

Nickname: Dan, Danny boi, Demon, Devil boy

Next up is Allison Grey!!!!


Quirk= Elemental (a mix between element and mentality)

Info= This quirk is a very powerful one. She can used two of the elements at the same time and control it with her mind. The either come from her hands but when she's mad her body gets covered in the aura of her preferred element which is fire.

Drawbacks= Can only use one at a time. Once used more than one element she starts going psycho and shows no mercy until one of the friends help her out of that state.

Likes= Cuddles from her BBF (boy best friend izu), being the star of the show, eating everyone's food, and getting people mad and annoyed as a joke.

Dislikes= Being yelled at, feeling left out, being called out for no reason, lions.

Personality= She is very emotional when people come at her directly but when she's pumped up she's confident and lively like the sunshine of the group. She also is very tired easily sometimes but when it comes to serious fights she has stamina for days just like the rest.

Nicknames: Ally, little baby, lee

Next is Diego Ramirez


Quirk= psycho Kill

Info= He can control metal objects and levitate them. Once he gets a bit of blood on his special knife he has control of that person and it gives them lots of pain. It is like the crucio spell from Harry potter of like being tazed by multiple tasers. This does not work on the group or the set of the knife because the knife was created using the blood of the groups

Drawbacks= Once the blood is on his special knife there is no stopping the pain before a minute goes by. Even if they want to stop the pain before the timer it is not possible. No matter the person the pain will always be there. The knife is very sharp so he has to be very cautious as he always has cuts in his hands.

Likes= To skateboard, go to karaoke, all crackhead energy. He likes listening to KPop even though he's japanese. Her goes to party, drink and kayla.

Dislikes= Rude people, chemistry class, clowns, and quiet.

Personality= Crackhead boy. He's super hype and makes the vines very happy. He is very serious when he has to be and is like the funniest of the group. Child of the group by mentality.

Nicknames: Hobo, Hb(homeless boy), Gordan ramsey, Cub

Eek it's time for Kayla Morge!!


Quirk= Puppet Master

Info= Once she takes a look at the villain of person she can take control of their body. She can make a person do whatever he wants them to do and the person can't do anything about it.

Drawbacks= The user gets very bad headaches and passes out after their 5 person limit. The villain whilst under control goes through severe pain and lives their greatest fears and weaknesses in repeat. It's like a nightmare from hell.

Likes= savory. Anything that isn't sweet and is salty. Water parks and Amusement parks. Pools. To sleep. Also likes to dance!

Dislikes= Everything sweet. Bad sense of fashion, like she beat up a kid cause their outfit didn't match. Coffee. Any Type of coffee

Personality= She is the mom of the group and is very responsible. Takes charge like Izuku and doesn't get scared easily. Has soft spots for the group but anyone else gets her bad side. If anyone pissed off her or her group she will fight them bad.

Nicknames: Kay, mom, parent one.

Next up is Izuku!!!!


Quirk= OFA and Lucifer's command and Rumor

Info= OFA is a transferable quirk that can be passed on from one user to the next. This allows the user to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing them to significantly enhance all of their physical abilities to a super human level. RUMOR is a quick that allows the user to rumor anyone to do anything. This power was inspired by Allison Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy. LUCIFER'S COMMAND is like the opposite of Angels will. He has demon wings and horns that can be hidden in command. He can get any secret out of people. He looks into their eyes and asks the question again and they tell the truth. He can also look into peoples eyes and get what they desire the most in life out of them. This would be helpful for murders and crimes. He can also blast darkness beams out of his hands that burn people badly.

Drawbacks= OFA: he only knows how to control 75% so if he goes over his limit he breaks his bones. Rumor: no drawbacks
Lucifer's command: during his darkness beam he can't control the temperature very well. No other known weaknesses.

Likes= Fighting, parkour, and all types of crazy rule breaking stuff. Caramel ribbon crunch from Starbucks with black iced coffee when pulling all nighters.

Dislikes= people disrespecting his family and friends. Rats. He also hates being locked up in the dark again as it brings back memories. Mostly things that aren't sweet and tasty for him.

Personality= He's the leader of the big five AKA The Beasts. He is really funny and messed around but when it comes to his friends and family he turns pretty serious. He may seem sweet but he has his feisty side and his little baddy moment too.

Nicknames: Izu, zuko, zuzu, angel, lucy( short for lucifer), and parent two

(A/N: pics in the next chapter!!)

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