Cinco but with sparkles✨ and sleep💤

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    (A/N: Hii I know I know sorry about just disappearing like that it's just that I have too many ideas for this story but they just don't fit. I've taken like two weeks but I still can't think of anything so I present to you what I could think of at 2:56 in the morning!!!)

Previously on meteors, " Help me..... Please.. "

Heh.. why the hell is it still so dark... Dammit why can't I remember where I am!! I remember everything from the fall to the extreme headache but where am i?! Was that loud this at the end me? I don't think so..'  I'm not in any bad pain so that's a good thing but there's still lingering pain in my head and my back is hurting now. I opened my eyes again for what seems like the hundredth time today but still see complete darkness.
I would rub my eyes but I can't even feel them. It's so cold..


"H, huh!!" I heard talking  but now it's quiet.. Again left in the loneliness. Maybe my head was playing tricks with me. If anyone was here they would turn on the lights. I think I hear people walking in the room but I can't even be certain that this is a room.
" WHAT THE FUCK KAYLA!!??" I can hear his voice. Even when he's yelling he sounds so gentle. It's Danny!! If he's here I guess I'm safe but why am I still in the darkne-

"SHOZUKI!!! CALM DOWN!!" It's mom! But why are they yelling so loud..


The door!! I heard stomps coming my way but I can't move. Who is it? I try and move away the best I can but all I could move was my already aching head which really didn't help at all. In all honesty I probably have them access to my neck. Maybe it's mom though. I can feel the person sitting on the bed gently so maybe it is her.

3RD POV (I suck at these)

Izuku felt comfortable under the touch of the person who he couldn't see. The green haired boy was almost out back to sleep when the person whispered "I was almost too late.." He knew who it was just by the gentle calm voice and the person caressing his cheek with their thumb. Anyone would have thought it was Kayla or his own mother but Izuku knew this was daniel. "D- danny? Why c- can't I see?" Izuku sounded terrible. His throat was scratchy leading to scruffy sounding voice. "Hey it's alright zuku. It's just a blindfold." He said as he reached over to grab the young boys hand. The small boi was so confused as to why he had a blindfold on but that would be soon revealed when the door slammed open once again.

Izu POV (I also suck at these)

"You know that your the worst out of all my problem children, right?" Said a tired sounding person. "Yea yea. *giggles* So what's with the visit Sho-San?"
My ears perked up when I heard a deep chuckle coming from the other side of the room. "I was called to teach a class in the best American hero school. Seems you got transferred there by Nezus order." My eyes sparked at the mention of F.H.I.T the best school here! "Really!! That means I get to train with my gang once again!"
"You have a gang!? I seriously question how your alive *small laugh*" said seemed kinda surprised at the amount of emotion being showed but went back to laughing again. "DANNY BOY!!!!!" I shouted with amusement causing Danny to fall of the bed from what I heard. " Yea zuzu, whatcha want? " "take of the blindfold please my head is killing" i assume he nodded because he sat in the bed once more. I let out a small groan of pain as he began to take it off causing the light to blind me for a second. Once my eyes finally adjusted to the light a hard pang hit my heart. I was in my room despite my thoughts of being in a hospital. But that wasn't what was hurting me.. It was daniel.  He had a smile but it looked like he had been crying. He had red and puffy eyes and his eyes full of sadness yet he still held a smile. It hurt to see him pretending. It felt like he was lying without even saying a word.

I sat up despite the stinging pain in my back and reached my arms out like a kid. Making grabbing movements with my hands as I tried to grab him. "Huggies please." I said as I made another attempt reach him. He sat up from his chair at the side and leaned over until my head was safely cuddled in his chest. I could feel his heart racing as the world just stopped moving around us. Like old times when we used to hang out and it We where the only ones important. We didn't even realize sho-san was calling us. That was until he tapped dannys shoulder. "Sorry to interrupt this love story but I would like to know what you where thinking jumping of the building on your first day in america!? Not even one day goes by with you gone and your already doing some suicidal shit ( like eren )!!" I flinched as he yelled at me meanwhile Danny was sitting on the bed cuddling me from behind as if he didn't notice my yelling teacher. He seemed disappointed so I just looked down to my lap. "Trying to make a dramatic entrance. I didn't know it would backfire. I take full responsibility so please doing blame any of my friends!" I looked him right in the eye when I mentioned the gang of friends just to make sure he knew I wasn't lying. I didn't want to risk then getting in trouble for my own mistakes "Alright well very stupid reason as always but, I have no reason to scold you so let's get right to the point. You developed a new quirk." " What are you talking about?! I'm too old to develop one! Where did it come from?!! " I rambled out all at once confused at his choice of words. "Calm down kid I will explain all this shit in a moment. I'm waiting on your mother and friends so I can explain the situation once." " hold on so your telling zuku here that he has another quirk besides OFA? " "Yes no more explaining til the rest get here i need sleep." And with that he slid right into his yellow sleeping bag leaving me clueless to the whole situation. "Is your teacher actually like that or is he just cranky?" " who-san likes to sleep a lot due to his crazy class and patrolling" I replied to Daniel as I starred at the ceiling of my room. Even if it had just been one night it looked a bit different. It was as if everything seemed duller than before. The only brightness in the room was daniel and if course sho-sans bright yellow sleeping bag.

*time skip to the afternoon because beginning was early in the morning*

I sat up again after my conversation with Danny boi as we heard knocks. "Come in!" I half yelled as Danny was still laying in my lap from our nap earlier in the day. "Oh izuku!! How are you feeling honey!!" Said both Kayla and mom as they rushed to my bedside. *Thud* was all I heard as they pushed Daniel off earning a loud groan coming from the older boy. "Alright angel I wanna know what's all this talk of new quirks and sparkles ✨" said Allison as she also walked in behind mom. " great your all here now I can begin explaining his situation" said Mr. Aizawa as he slithered out of the sleeping bag.

(A/N: sorry for the shortest chapter ever I haven't been mentally stable and I've also been pretty lazy so excuse my behavior I'll post soon since this is my second cliffhanger and I hate leaving it in cliffhangers. Just hang on and get ready for the show!!!{ No pun intended} (: )

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