Joined up part two!💥

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Previously on meteors, "Good thing his mom wasn't home."

I was putting him down and he actually yelped. Like that was so cute but I realized he hurt his foot. Like he literally collapsed on me after stepping on his left foot. Yet that doesn't explain why he didn't want Diego. Ugh I'm too tired for this let me just put him to bed and I'll ask myself. But like what if he doesnt like me maybe he just was nervous with diego. They have been flirting all night. Bro what if their already dating. Ugh what if- "Danny? Can we go to bed now?" "Oh- yeah sorry." He squeaked adorably when I picked him up by the thighs and we headed to the kitchen for an ice pack. Once we got too his room I sat him in the closet with a pajama set and left him to change. "I'm done!" I walked in and grabbed him by the butt and carried him/ pulled him to bed with the ice pack on his foot. The pajama set was so cutieee the top had a hood with bunny ears!! "I want answers broccoli." I said sternly hoping it would make him talk but his eyes watered instead. I just relaxed next to him whispering to him not to cry or else I would cry. I made sure to whisper sweet nothings to him and waited for his breathe to even out.

Once his breathing was almost even I asked why he didn't want Diego he replied so sleepily. "Because I like you. And cuz I wanted you to cuddle me to bed instead of my hobo." Huh!? And just like that he fell asleep. FELL ASLEEP!!! AFTER CONFESSING!!! "Izu?" he hummed a response so I guess be wasn't completely sleeping. "You love me right?" He hummed again but said yes along with it. "Be my boyfriend?" I said as he turned with eyes closed pecked my cheek and went to sleep. I would guess that's a yes but that's for morning me too worry about. For now ill just sleep with izu.

*with the Beasts aka "The explosion crew" I changed it cuz I didn't like the beasts*

"Yes!" Diego shouted once they walked away from the love birds. "What the hell are you yapping about hobo, didn't we all just see zuku run to Daniel to get away from you?" "Nah sis. Right ally?" The red head just nodded cuddling back into the pink haired girls neck. The action not going unnoticed but ignored. "What do you meaannn! Why am I always getting left out during these type of things?!" Huffed out Kayla as she got into a comfier position with the red head. They had just arrived at their separate base for the gang and its side kicks.

A little background info from the group is that they have been working together since middle school. Izuku had been in America for a two years and then went back for UA. The gang is famous because they have been asked to work with pros before. They had gotten their provisional licences at a young age and decided they would work in the future to build a hero company. Back to the story.----

"Cuz your our mom and can't keep secrets from the group" said Diego as he face planted to a un normally big beanbag. "Okie but what is it?!" "Izu and Diego set up a plan to get Demon and him together alone. And this whole thing was planned including izu getting hurt since me and Diego knew he had a sore foot we just used that excuse for izu." Replied a red head from the kitchen raiding the fridge. "What!? And you didn't include me! No cuddles for you little baby" the pink haired girl said as she let out a puff and stomped to her room at the base. "Wait! Kay! Please I need my cuddles!! Liste-" shouting after the pinky was the red head. "Hope everything went well" said Diego with a sigh. He walked back to his room at the base ignoring the distant shouts knowing the two would make up and fell asleep.

*in the morning*

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" Shouted the trio as they walked in Izu's house as they heard a shout from the other side of the house. "BITCH IM UP!!" "DA FUCK" yelled Daniel who was awoken by Izuku shouts. "IM UP" Shouted Diego as they walked into the room. They all busted out to laughs and Kayla jumped on the bed where Daniel laid once again in slumber. Even after the commotion he could still sleep. "Babee~~~" said Izuku. Daniel shot up about to reply when Diego beat him to it and said " I know I got the boba" "da fuck why are you calling Diego your babe if your taken" said Daniel glaring at Diego a bit. The duo chuckled as the girls just snickered. "Who's he taken by daniell~" coed the girls teasing him as Diego ruffled his bed hair. "By me." Stated Daniel proudly as he pulled Izuku on his lap. "Finally!!!" "Yea congrats bro y'all finally dating later years of flirting" they all laughed at the last comment and after a while had gotten up and went to the kitchen.

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