Uno!!!! :The begining

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No one pov

Everyone was in the common room of the 1A dorms except a certain fluffy haired boy. Izuku Midoriya "the nerd" of the class was upstairs crying. Why you may ask? Well because of this afternoons turn of events.

"Deku-kun I'll meet you upstairs in a bit!" Said uraraka is her cheery voice. " O-ok" I was walking upstairs when I heard the whispering. I just wanted to hear what they where saying so I got a bit closer.
O= ochako L= lida B= bakugo

O= should we tell deku that we don't like him already?
L= No not yet he isn't prepared
K= don't worry I'll just give him a few beatings and he'll be ready it's not like he won't expect it.
O= alright
L= we aren't going back on our plan right?! We worked real hard to spread rumors
O= right!
B= tch of course
L= uraraka-san have you called the friends of bakugo(bakusquad)
O=yea they should be here any minute now
B= dont understand why your getting those shitty extras involved if they know this isn't true
O=come onnn ill just pull out some tears and it'll be fine

I ran away from the whispers tears coming running down my cheeks as I ran past kirishima and the rest of the bakusquad. I texted ochako and told her that I had caught a cold and won't be studying with her.

*End flashback*

In reality after all his crying he had fallen asleep. It had rained and he left his window open resulting in him being soaking wet in the morning. After a few coughs and sneezes he realized he had actually caught a cold. Luckily he had All Might's number from the past and he texted his teacher deciding it would be best to stay in his dorm today.
*textz* (misspelled on purpose)
Izuku\(^-^)/: Hey All Might
Toshi( ☆∀☆): Young Midoriya why are you texting in class
Izuku\(^-^)/: I caught a cold so I wanted you to notify my teachers for me
Toshi( ☆∀☆): Yes of course rest well I will have recovery girl bring you some food and medicine
Izuku\(^-^)/: thank you
*End textz*

Cinnamon roll Pov

After texting all might the memories of yesterday came rushing back to me and I started to tear up. Before the tears came out however, I thought fuck them and decided that I didn't need them. If they were gonna be toxic I'm just going to drop them. I don't need people like them in my life. (A/N: *Gasps so loud my mom told me to shut up from the kitchen* omg our sinnamon roll curses😂) I started to think and think of what to do now and then it hit me. I could go to the US like we did last summer( by we he means him and his mom). I was about to call my mom when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened it thinking it was a classmate but it was just recovery girl. She gave me my medicine and food and said she would be back in a few minutes to give me something else. I didn't know what but I decided that might as well call my mom and ask her for permission to go to the US.

{Phone call}

Mom❤: Hey Izuku what happened got a call from all might saying you where sick? Are you alright honey? Everything alright?
Babyboy✨: Yes mom I'm alright just a small cold
Mom❤: Okay honey if you say so. So what happened. Why did you call?
Babyboy✨: Um yea mom can I go to the US in few days?
Mom❤: What's wrong I thought you always wanted to study at UA
Babyboy✨: I know mom but I haven't felt the most welcomed here and I don't fit in as well. My friends aren't really being as nice anymore so I want to leave
Mom❤: Alright honey if you really feel that way I'll ask for a transfer maybe it'll be for the best I get paid way more over there than here
Babyboy✨: Thanks so much mom when are we leaving?
Mom❤: On Friday and since today's wednesday you tell your teachers tomorrow and we leave the next day
Babyboy✨: Alright mom *knock knock* I have to go mom I love you
Mom❤: I love you too Izuku and make sure you pack!!
Babyboy✨: Yes I will bye!
Mom❤: Bye

*End of call*

I was so excited that my mom said yes but as I was stuck in my thought thinking about the us and being happy even louder knocks scared the hell out of me. I fell off my bed and opened the door to see recovery girl holding bags. "Come in" I said as I motioned her in and she did. She pulled out some candies and movies to my surprise. "To cure sadness you should watch movies and eat sweets." She knew I was sad? " H-how " I began to say but she cut me off. " I know when people cry and you look terrible. " "oh" is all I said before she walked out. Not before reminding me that I still had to take my medicine at 3:00. Jeez do I look that bad and just as I said that I looked in the mirror and realized I looked like I cried an actual river. Not gonna lie that's what it felt like. My eyes were so puffy and red and I looked pale.

After showering it was noon so I decided to watch the movies and eat sweets. I'm not gonna lie recovery girl has good taste in movies. She picked the harry potter movies and the hunger games but I only watched two out of like alk of them. I almost forgot that I was sad. Well almost. By the time they finished i was already sleeping. One i woke up it was 2:50 so, I decided I needed a spoon for my liquid medicine so I went down and brought my sweets with me to put away in the kitchen. My class started walking in as I was putting away the sweets in the cupboards. They walked by without saying anything except sho-chan who greeted me along with momo. I was kinda glad they where not ignoring me. I got my spoon after putting away my sweets but realized I forgot my other medicine so I asked sho-Chan to get it for me and he did but as he left to get it with momo, kacchan came over and started punching me. Punch after punch leaving bruises I knew would hurt later on and kicks in the ribs I knew where gonna leave a mark. With one final kick he walked away. But that's when I realized. The class was right there but they did nothing. As soon as sho-chan came back with momo they asked what happened all I said was that I had gotten in an argument and they just gave me my medicine. Before they left Shoto came over. "Midoriya I know it's not just a small argument so please go to recovery girls office and get her to treat you." I nodded and they left me in the kitchen. I made a sandwich and ate in my dorm as I thought about what just happened. Why the frick did they let him beat me up. Ugh! They are such rude people I'm glad I'm leaving.
I think it's best if I go to recovery girl like sho-chan said. I don't want mom to see me like this.

*Time skip brought to you by Kim Bok Jo!!*

*beep beep beep be-*
I just woke up to my alarm at 6:00. It's still pretty early so I think I'll go jog and get mentally prepared to tell everyone in leaving. Maybe I should tell Sho-chan and Momo first so they won't be as surprised. Yeah I think I'll do that. I put on some black sweats and a tight fitting shirt on and left to go jog. I came back to my dorms and showered. Once I was ready I headed out to class and since Momo and Shoto are early birds they where already there. I headed in and after me came Aizawa Sensei (A/N: Yesss have respect for dad and use the capitalization ❤.Periodt.). I asked to speak in the hall once class started. "Can I speak to you and three other students?" " Whatever problem child" I went up to Momo and Sho-chan's desk and asked them to come outside with me. Everyone was staring but they didn't look worried at all. I asked Jiro to come too so the class wouldn't use her quirk to listen. As we came outside I decided to speak first. "I asked you guys to come out here because I would like to notify you before the class that I am moving to the US." I looked at the floor as the shocked reactions came at me.

*Time skip again cause lee Min Ho said so*

We walked back in and they went to their seats with tear stained cheeks as Mr.Aizawa just looked shocked. That's when everyone started to worry. They began asking momo, sho-chan, and jiro what happened but not me who was standing at the front of the class.
"Alright quiet down Midoriya has some important news" they all looked at me as I said it....

Haha a cliffhanger on the first chapter!!!

How do you guys like it so far?? If I need to fix anything please do tell cause yea

Also Kim bok jo is from a kdrama called kim bok jo weightlifting fairy

Also lee min ho is a hot Korean actor!!!

Tell me if y'all want me to continue the story!!!

Also the titles for this book is gonna be just me messing around

Word count: 1670

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