Lilian's POV

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It's almost time for the class to be over and I'm still sitting here with Darius.
Honestly, the conversation is going really good and he doesn't seem so bad which makes me wonder why my mates got beef with them.

"Let me walk you to your next class"
I look at him an let out a little laugh.

"I don't think the guys would like that"

"So you're just gonna listen to everything they demand"
I laugh out loud cause he doesn't know me.

"You don't know me plus they're just possessive freaks"

"Well don't you think it's too much"

"I like them that way"
The bell rings and I get up

"Well gotta go"

"See you later?"

"We'll see"
I exit the gym and walk to my locker. As I put my stuff in, I still can't shake off the feeling like someone's watching me.
"Whoever is there, come out"
That feeling soon disappears as more students come out from their classes.
Maybe I'm just worrying too much

I pack up my stuff and head to my next class.
I sit in my usual seat and about 2 minutes later, Rosa comes in.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me" once she spots me, she smiles and walks over.

"Lilian, I didn't know you were in this class too"

"Well now you do"

"Do you mind if I sit with you"

"Actually ye-"

"Miss Rosa, class is starting. Please find a seat" the teacher interrupts me and she nods then sits close to me.
"Sorry, the teacher said that I should sit down and this was the closest place I could think of. I hope you don't mind"

"Sure why not"

"Yay" she smiles, showing all there pearly white teeth and I sigh.
During the lesson, I got bored so I decided to use my phone.
I checked my messages and saw that Matteo is online so I decided to text him.

-text message-
Me: you're so bad. You're using your phone in class
Him: I could tell you the same thing
Me: I'm so bored

Him: after school, Romeo and I are going for training.
Me: can I come?
Him: sure, why not

-end of convo-

"Who are you talking to. Is that Matty"

"First of all, it's none of your business and secondly, I would appreciate if you call them by their actual names not some weird ass nickname"
Actually I would appreciate if you don't say their names at all

"Okay, I'm sorry"

'I Stan you' Rosa said and I did a little boss dance in my head.

-lunch time-
I was at my locker about to go to lunch when Gab came running towards me.
"Bitch, what the fuck"

"What happened"

"There's a video going on around the school of you and Darius"

"What do you mean" I ask genuinely confused.

"Just watch this"
She showed me her phone and a video of the Darius and I talking came up. It shows the conversation we had earlier.

It shows how we were laughing most of the time then at the end we hear the convo that he and I had
"Let me walk you to class"

"I don't think the guys would like that"

"So you're just gonna listen to everything they demand"

"You don't know me plus they're freaks" then the video ended.
What made me angrier was the caption.

"Dear Lycan blood moon pack, you don't want this kind of person that hangs out with the enemies and talk bad about your alphas as your Luna, do you?"

I look at the comments and:

"Wow, I didn't think Lilian was so fake"
"So their relationship is not as perfect as it seems"
"Who else went straight to the comments"
"Lmao, what do you think alpha matteo and alpha Romeo will do"

"Ugh these people are so so fucking fake"

"I know right. Just tell me and I will roast the hell out of them" I know my best friend always got my back.

"This shit is edited. I said they were possesive freaks not just freaks"

"Who do you think took the video"

"It got to be Rosa"
Who else would it be

"Well you need to explain to the guys cause..."

"I know" I see people around giving me judgmental looks and I roll my eyes.

"What else did you say"

I blushed as I remembered what I said
"After that, I told Darius that I like the twins that way"

"Ooh, girl..."

"Shut up. Now's not the time"
Gab and I went over to the cafeteria and saw the guys looking rather calmer than usual which is scaring me ngl.

Gab came closer and whispered "with the look on their face, I don't think you're gonna get any sleep tonight"

I blushed a deep shade of red and punched her arm.
"Stop making jokes"

Someone tapped me on my shoulder and I turned around to see Darius.
"Look I'm sorry for what-"

"LILIAN" Romeo's voice boomed in the cafeteria and that alone made everyone go dead silent.
"Come here"
I turned around and walked over to them.

It was so silent that I could even hear my heartbeat from a mile away.
All eyes on me with each step I take as I walk over to them.

Once I get within arms length with Romeo, I feel my heart beat pick up even more.
Matteo's just sitting down and eating his nachos like everything's normal which is also scaring me.

They know how to scare someone without saying anything

I look back at Romeo and his icy cold stare is making me shiver so I opened my mouth to say something but  was cut off when he pulled me closer and smashed his lips onto mine in front of everybody.

Shocked is an understatement. I was flabbergasted.
He pulled away and whispered "you're OURS. Do you understand?"

To shocked to say anything, I nodded obediently.

Finally realizing that THE WHOLE SCHOOL just saw that, I just wanted to bury myself in a whole and die

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