Lilian's POV

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"huh" was the first thing I said as I looked at them.

"Are you drunk or something?"
The white lion smirked and stepped forward.
I took another step backwards then looked at both of them.

"Sorry but I'm already someone else's bride"
I said in hopes that they'll leave me alone but instead they smirked again.

"Then how are you supposed to leave here. You have no choice"
Tch, pest.

I looked around and the other magical beasts started to get up.

"You bitch... I'll kill you" the devil girl said and charged towards me.

She suddenly halted in mid air and then flew back like she was just sucker punched by someone.

"Wha-" she looked up to come in contact with the two lions glare and then she gulped.

"Lord Cain, Lord Mahees. Forgive me for my rudeness"

"Don't try it again"

"Huh, it rare to see you too step out of your den." Pegasus said and got down from the tree.

The lions didn't bother to answer him instead they looked at me.

"So what. No thank you"

"That's too bad" the one with the brow hair said and creepily licked his lips.

The white one chuckled and took a step forward
"Your hair is really pretty" he said and started toying with it.

"Unfortunately flattery won't work on me"
He chuckled again and continued twirling my hair.

"Don't worry, we have lots of times to make it work"
He was about to take a step closer to me when a knife suddenly flew into his hand.


"Step away from her Cain"

"Who's there"

I looked up to see Romeo and the girls sitting on the tallest tree here.

He had a cold look in his eyes as he stared at Cain's hand in my hair.

"Impossible. How long have you been there. I should've been able to sense your presence" Athena said making Romeo look at her.

"Since the start of this whole fight. I've been watching"

"Who are you anyways" Cain's brother said which I'm guessing he's Mahees.

"Oh, you've forgotten me?"
Romeo whispered something to the girls and jumped down.

"It doesn't matter anyways"

"Wait, that cold look. That face. I remember you. You're Romeo"
Pegasus said with a chuckle

"Oh, you still remember me?"

"My my, you've really grown into a handsome young man. Where's your brother"
Atargatis said with a smile.

"Well unfortunately he's not here today"

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