Ch-3 Finally it's 1st September!

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A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long. But to make up the time gap I present you...... a special, long chapter! Enjoy!

Harry's POV

I woke up feeling completely energetic, like I could lift up my home. I went downstairs and when I reached a end of the stairs I tripped and almost fell by a surprising scene.

All the 'residents' of the Potter Manor were there. Even the eldest twins who are most likely never to wake up before eight in the morning.

I glanced at the clock and it was seven thirty. "Did the sun rise from the wrong side today?" I ask as I made my way towards the table. "Good morning to you to." Replied Andrew.

I ignore him and turn to face dad. "What time are we leaving?" I ask. "We are going to meet the Weasley's there so take it as roughly nine." He said. I nod turn back to eat my pancakes.

It was abnormally silent during the entire breakfast. There just one pancake left. I looked up to see all the children's eyes on it. Then without any warning, we started to fight for the pancake.

Physically fight. No one was saying a word, but we all were pushing each other to get the last one. None of the adults were paying attention as it was normal for us to fight over food.

I was about to grab it when the fireplace lit with with green fire. We did not turn around to see who it was. After a few minutes of no one giving up, Madison got it. "You snooze, you loose." She said munching down the pancake.

"Maddie!" We all exclaim. She just smirked. "Why don't you all divide and eat?" A voice asked from behind.
"Shophia!" Exclaimed Carina and ran towards her, hugging her. After they broke the hug Sophia said, "You still haven't answered my question." Carina shrugged "Never thought of it."

"Where's Aiden?" Aussie asked. "He was right- where'd he go?" She asked turning around. "I'm up here!" Came a muffled voice. We ran upstairs and found him in Andrew's room. Ted was the first one to step inside and as he did, there was paint all over him. Classic one.

"Urgh! Why me?" "Classic one dude." Said Andrew. "Umm guys if you haven't noticed, I am soaking in paint." Ted said.
"Go downstairs, I'm sure anyone can scourigify you." Said Olivia. Before he could go down, Padfoot came upstairs.

"Alright children time to go -Teddy what have you done of yourself?" "Ask Aiden!"
Padfoot merely laughed and cleaned Ted up. Then I saw Neville just standing there, laughing alongside everyone else.

"Nev!" Aussie,Ted and I exclaimed together and launched ourselves on him. "Guys, let him breathe." Said Amy. " 'Sup kiddo. Excited for your first year?" Asked Carina. "Yup." Was Nev's simple reply.

*Time skip to Diagon Alley (I'm too lazy to write much right now)

Austin's POV

We went to Diagon Alley through the muggle London. We were all the children except the ones younger than me. It's always been like that. The adults take us to Diagon Alley only after we are eleven for it to be a surprise for us.

Also there were dad,Prongs, Wormtail,Mary and Moony. The others stayed home and Frank had work to do at the ministry.

"Dad can't muggles see the Leakey Cauldron?" I asked. "Uhh no idea." He replied, "Pass. Moony?" "No. They can't see the Leakey Cauldron unless invited. That's how muggleborns go to Diagon Alley."

"How do you come to know everything?" Asked Prongs. "Because I, unlike you actually paid attention in history of magic." Moony replied. We all snickered. "Whatever. We are here!" Said Prongs.

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