Cast and Intro part 2

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Let's continue!

Sadie Sink as Madison Lupin

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Sadie Sink as Madison Lupin

Kathryn Newton as Olivia Black

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Kathryn Newton as Olivia Black

Kathryn Newton as Olivia Black

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Laura Marano as Ella Miller

That's it the rest are the normal casting (Emma Watson, Rupert Grint etc.)

Now for the new characters -:

1. Carina and Andrew are twins tho with different hair and eye colour and are two years older than Harry.

2. Amy and Ally are twins also with different hair colour and different eye colour and are one year younger than Harry.

3. Austin Black is Harry's age and blackkinnon's eldest son followed by his sister Olivia Black who is one year younger.

4. Teddy Lupin is remadora's eldest son followed by Madison Lupin who is one year younger than him both of them having their mother's metamorphagus abilities.

5. Draco and Narcissa are good and often visit them as for Lucius is in Azkaban for using the Crusiatis on a mugleborn.

6. Narcissa was the one who turned him in and neither her nor Draco regrets it.

7. The Potter's, Black's and Lupin's all live together in the Potter Manor with the Longbottom's frequently visiting them.

8. Ella Miller is a friend they will make later at Hogwarts (along with Hermione etc.)

9. The book will mostly focus on Teddy, Harry and Austin or the SGM (Second Generation Marauders)

10. As there was no Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew will remain the same cute little cinnamon roll.

11. Emmeline Vance, Dorcas Meadowes and Peter Petettigrew were invited to live with them as the manor was so huge and also that they could live as one big happy family.

12. Sophia and Aiden Longbottom are twins and the two years older than Neville.

Hope you enjoy!

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